Some people are just morning people, and nothing excites them more than to jump from bed and begin their day in big style. How do they do it?
Some are naturally early birds, while others got their body and mind into that mood which is something that requires discipline and dedication.

If you want to be one of the people who start their day in a happy mood, know that is possible.
It will demand some planning, time investment, and structure. Here is how to start your day in a happy mood without big fuzz.
First Coffee
Are you one of those people who cannot start their day without a nice cup of coffee?
If so, you should know that drinking coffee on an empty stomach may not be the best decision ever.
Instead, have a nice and well-balanced meal first and then have coffee.
When you start your morning with a nutritional meal, and you give your body all the right kind of fuel, you can enjoy coffee.
If you want to have a tasty drink in the morning, and you don’t want to give up on coffee, you might try adding a low-sugar coffee enhancer to your cup: this addition will bring that creamy taste and delicious sip with less sugar.
Make sure that you drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, as it’s beneficial for your entire body.
Do Not Grab Your Phone
Ok, this may be easier said than done, but do your best not to check your phone as soon as you open your eyes.
All those social notifications and emails will still be there, but your peace won’t.
Give yourself self-time to have a nice meal, have a coffee enjoy the fresh air, and be with your thoughts on your own.
Once you give your body and your mind what it needs, you can start interactions using your phone.
Think About Gratitude
Expressing gratitude may be too much of a ‘new age’ for you, but there is no harm in trying it, right?
Do your best for a couple of days to find just one thing that you are grateful for. Do not overthink it, keep it simple.
Be grateful for being alive this morning, or for being able to enjoy in silence, and build up from there.
In today’s hectic life, it is far easier to focus on bad things, and we often forget the good ones.
To fight this, focus on things that you feel grateful about. Whatever makes you smile, bring to your mind.
Extra Ten Tips To Begin Your Day In A Good Mood
- Put away your smartphone before you go to bed
- Do some light stretching
- Make sure that you get enough sleep
- Do not snooze
- Prepare your day before you go to bed
- Meditate or dance
- If you have a partner, make sure that you have morning cuddles
- Have a glass of water on an empty stomach
- Get some fresh air
- Smile. This is free, easy to do, and can put you in a good mood immediately.