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Birthday parties don’t have to be perfect, but that doesn’t stop us wanting them to be great. After all, our family and friends are hoping to enjoy the day. And, birthdays are some of the most memorable moments of a child’s life. That’s why we want them to be magical and desperately want to ensure nothing goes wrong. Here is some advice on how to avoid a children’s birthday party disaster.

Choose the Right Time
Timing is everything when it comes to birthday parties. For example, planning a birthday party when everyone is normally taking a nap will guarantee cranky kids. Instead, choose a party around the time they normally eat. This may be 11am to 1pm or 3pm to 5pm. Then, they’ll be hungry enough to eat what they’re served, and you aren’t conflicting with nap time. Don’t schedule a party in the evening if it conflicts with your child’s bedtime. That’s why a morning or mid-afternoon party is better. It also means the child won’t get wound up waiting all day for the party to start.
Limit the Guest List
A party is exciting in itself. Consider limiting the child’s first birthday party to just family, especially if you have a sensitive child.
For preschoolers, limit the number of friends they can invite. This saves you from the extra hassle of baby-proofing the entire house and handling a house full of two and three year olds. It is reasonable to limit the ages of siblings brought along, though you should baby-proof key locations anyway. For example, put a baby gate in front of the stairs and set up a secondary diaper changing station.
Don’t Try to Do Everything
Don’t overload yourself. If you’re making major changes in your routine or your child is experiencing major changes, don’t try to add planning an Instagram-worthy birthday party too.
Young children will be thrilled just to be the center of attention and receive gifts. Save yourself a lot of hassle by outsourcing. You don’t have to bake the cake or cupcakes yourself. You can also ask for help with decorations. Get table cloths that are easy to wash or disposable limiting the cleanup work.
Using eCards is a fast and easy way to create invitations or birthday cards instead of trying to craft an artistic masterpiece. Find free birthday eCard templates online, and you could avoid the hassle of buying and mailing invitations or giving them to everyone on your invite list. Go ahead and ask for help cleaning up after the party.
Capture the Magic the Right Way
Take pictures of your child and the decorated space before everyone comes over so you have at least a few great ones. Then, you can focus on the fun instead of capturing the experience. For example, you’ll be able to watch the baby open her first birthday present instead of trying to stage the shot just right. Feel free to ask others to take photos so you can be present instead of recording the events.
Minimize the Chance Medical Issues Get in the Way
You may plan on having your child’s 12-month shots around their first birthday. However, you shouldn’t have the birthday party shortly after they’ve had the shots. Give yourself plenty of time between these two events, because children may not feel well for several days afterward.
Also, ask everyone about potential food allergies and medical issues before you plan the menu. Have parents’ contact information if they’re dropping their children off. Then, you can reach adults if a child needs medical care or simply becomes inconsolable.
Young children are easy to please when things go right. Follow our advice, and you’ll avoid the mistakes that can ruin a young child’s birthday party.