It is foolish to deny that caring for hands is as important as caring for any other part of the body. It is the hands that people pay attention to first of all, and by their condition, they can characterize one as a clean and tidy person or vice versa. And it’s not even about the presence of beautiful and bright nail polish or well-groomed skin. Much attention should be paid to the careful processing of our fingers, namely, the evenness of nails, cuticles, or dry skin. Treating your nails requires the right tools that will meet all the necessary requirements for a person. And in this matter, high-quality manicure cuticle nippers are a must-have.
What Is a Professional Cuticle Nipper?
This versatile tool is tweezers of different sizes and lengths that are used by professionals and not only in the field of manicure and hand care. For the tool to accurately perform its function and not accidentally injure a person, it must have a proper dimension of the cutter blade. It is selected for hard-to-reach places and the more precise processing of a burr. Unlike nail clippers, these nippers have a thinner cutting edge and a more compact and comfortable appearance.
What Implies the Proper Use of Cuticle Nippers?
Cuticle nippers are used to gently remove excess cuticle layers in hard-to-reach areas. This delicate process does not tolerate haste, and therefore, it must be carried out carefully and responsibly. For the result to please you and the procedure not to harm your hands, you should reasonably approach the choice of nippers.
What to Be Guided by When Choosing Nippers?
For tongs to serve you for a long time and perform functions efficiently, you need to pay attention to:
- Tool material
The first thing a person is interested in when buying any tool is its reliability and durability. Agree that the nippers will not be able to function in the best way if they begin to rust and crumble after half a year. The best advice you can get here is to select surgical stainless-steel nippers. They ideally combine such qualities as strength, stability, and not expensive price. Their important advantage is complete inertness to human skin. Using such tweezers, you may not be afraid of side effects from metal.
- Ergonomics and dimensions
The manicure procedure is a very delicate work that requires care and smoothness of action. For tweezers to be your faithful partner and be convenient to work with, you need to choose their size. Before buying, you need to check how comfortable they are in your hand. Their shape should be convenient and practical to use during the cleaning procedure.
- The softness of the spring
The key to the safe use of cuticle nippers is smoothness in their work. The compression spring should facilitate comfortable use without being too tight or loose. Ideally, the spring should be as smooth as possible without jerking and be easy to maintain.
- Cutting part
When choosing tweezers, it is important to pay attention to the toe and length of the cutting edge. The first will indicate to you the degree of sharpening of the blade, its evenness and quality. But you should choose the length paying attention to the thickness and shape of your own nails. We advise you to start using a blade that is not too long, about 4-7 mm. This will minimize the chance of injury from the unusually long blade.
- Sharpening quality
One of the factors of robotic tweezers is how accurately and accurately they can cut the cuticles and process the skin around the nail. This is influenced by the degree of sharpening of the blade on the forceps. With proper sharpening, there should be no gaps between blades when closing. Then, cutting off the burrs and unnecessary trimming will become quite simple and without uncomfortable sensations.