Finding a roofing contractor with the volume of options in the market and comparable marketing strategies can be daunting. Before narrowing down the search, a homeowner really wants to know how long the project will take, what the projected price point is, and whether the business can be trustworthy in the homeowner’s absence.
A credentialed, reputable, experienced roofing company like Amato Roofing will provide references and have the best reviews. These can be verified on different sites, including the Better Business Bureau, which will also rate the business. The more positive reviews and five-star ratings the company has, the greater the trust.
It’s also fine to ask for references. A solid following of satisfied clients will jump at the opportunity to stand behind the roofer’s stellar reputation. Plus, if the company is local, you can check out some finished projects and visit their business in person.
It’s essential to be mindful of contractors that cut corners and be able to spot the roofers that offer less-than-quality services. Let’s look at some shortcuts you want to avoid when working with a roofing contractor.
What Are Signs Of Roofing Shortcuts
Finding a reliable, legitimate, and credentialed roofing contractor can prove daunting with the many available in each local area. Researching, for impartial third-party reviews, testimonials, and authoritative site ratings, like the Better Business Bureau, is an excellent place to start.
Reaching out to companies for references and addresses of previous projects so you can check these out in real time is also beneficial. A business with a solid following of loyal clients who will vouch for a stellar reputation speaks volumes about their quality of work.
A lesser-quality company will take shortcuts, which will be obvious when you see the work either in person for a local company or in photos. Learn questions you should ask a roofing contractor at https://www.housedigestcom/1090414/questions-to-ask-your-roofing-contractor/, and then let’s look at how to avoid roofers who cut corners.
- Permits will not be pulled by roofers cutting corners
As a homeowner, you want the roofer performing your project to pull permits since these serve as documentation to the city of who completed the project. If the roofer chooses not to do so, there’s no public record of the job or who did it.
If the work is subpar or you have a dispute with the contractor and permits were not pulled, there’s nothing you can do as far as the city is concerned. If you have a roofer who prefers not to pull permits, this is a company you want to avoid working with.
- The roofing contractor is unlicensed with no credentials
Some states require a license for roofing contractors, while others don’t. Ideally, the roofer will obtain credentials regardless of what area they do their work. When a contractor gets a license, it’s their commitment to stay updated on roofing practices, materials, technology, and education in the market.
Suppose a roofing contractor is unlicensed or refuses credentials or education. In that case, they’ll be behind on the latest upgrades in the market, unable to furnish clients with the best, most efficient, and most effective materials, and the most modern methods for constructing a roof.
That will mean the quality will fail over time, with a potential for leaks and poor structural integrity. Corners aren’t necessarily cut with this example because, with modern techniques, you can do things with a straightforward and simple approach.
The problem is that not knowing the new methods leaves you uninformed and behind the times, using old-school methodologies that don’t match current materials.
- The wood decking is ignored
The wood decking needs to be inspected along with the other aspects of the structure to see if it needs maintenance along with the different layers when replacing the roofing. Many subpar roofing contractors will neglect the wood decking to save time, effort, and cost.
Failing to handle this roof component in the grand scheme loses business for a roofing contractor. It creates a headache for the homeowner, who will eventually have the decking rot all the way through with the need for another replacement and additional expenses.
As the homeowner, you should ensure that the decking is part of the inspection when the roof is being replaced and that it’s structurally sound. If you don’t feel confident that this component has been checked for its integrity, look for a reputable roofer who will take the time to check each element of the roof. Go here for silent signs your roof is damaged.
- The roofer wants to use the cheapest materials
In some cases, roofing contractors want to avoid the big brands to save costs, but the priority is to ensure quality for the homeowner. When the client agrees to the price point, including the cost of the materials, the contractor should have no problem using quality materials.
When a roofer wants to exchange the best materials for the cheapest on the market to cut corners, it’s wise to cut ties with that contractor in favor of one who will be more concerned with putting the best roof on the property, especially if you’re paying the price.
The only thing that will happen with cheap materials is the roof will degrade much faster, creating a need for more frequent repairs and a diminished lifespan.
Final Thought
A quality, credentialed, experienced roofing contractor will provide prospective clientele with references and testimonials, access to previous projects, their credentialing details, and how they remain current in the trade.
When hiring a roofer, most homeowners intend to retain that contractor for yearly inspections and repair work after heavy storms. They want to ensure the company they work with is legitimate and not one to cut corners, with many opting for businesses local to their home.
You’ll know you’ve found the best option when a solid following of clients stands behind their stellar reputation, the ratings on authoritative sites are above an A, and third-party reviews are positive. No one can be perfect; all businesses will have negatives, but prospective customers will recognize quality.