Nearly 264 million people have lost their jobs due to back pain in one single year. Experts state that around 80% of the entire population experiences back pain at a certain point in their lives. However, there is no such specific age for back pain. Older people, adolescents, and kids can suffer from back pain at any point.

Although you might not be able to avoid long hours of flight, you can make adjustments. The same goes for a road journey or a rail journey. Making certain alterations can help you prevent back pain to a great extent while traveling.
Of course, you will not want to ruin your journey with back pain, right? Well, who would?
Additionally, doing some exercises can help you a lot and reduce the pain that impacts your back. This guide lists the small tips that you must keep in mind while traveling. Following these tips will prevent your back pain so that you can enjoy your journey without any worries!
● Note the timing
Make sure you avoid standing for long hours at the check-in and security at the airport. Avoid traveling while peak times. Usually, the midweeks are relatively busy. Check the availability online so that you can cut off extra hours. While on road trips, make sure you avoid the rush hours. According to the celebrity physical therapist at NYC, Dr. Karena Wu, traveling for long hours can stiffen your muscles and joints.
● Pack light
Always pack stuff that you need. Try dividing them into small bags to cut off excess load. Travelling light will help you to divide the load. Also, try wheels. Go with rolling luggage. In case you feel the extreme weight, you can ask someone to carry your luggage at the station or airport. On roads, try carrying backpacks. Just visit to shop for a great backpack for travel, here is a selection of high quality, lightweight canvas backpacks, travel backpacks and more.
● Comfort kit is a must

Don’t skip this. Whenever you travel, always keep your comfort kit handy. Ensure carrying tons of cold packs, heat packs, and sprays to relieve pain. Carrying a small pillow is a great option too. You can place it on your seat to alter your body positions. If you are short in height, you can use a foldable footrest. Moreover, you can always carry a light blanket to keep you warm and roll it anywhere you need support.
● Medications
Always carry medications while you are traveling. It is an important thing that you must not forget at any cost. Store your medicines in your carry-on to have access to them 24*7. You may consult a doctor at The Spine and Rehab Group to help you relieve your back pain forever. In addition to it, bring 2-3 medicines more, since you never know when you could need them. If you take shots for pain, you can get them before you take off or travel. Make sure you keep all the drugs in their containers. This avoids security problems at check-ins in airports.
● Keep walking and moving
Sitting in one single position for hours can stiffen your back muscles. This will lead to muscle spasms and aches. Whether you travel by car, train, or air, make sure you take a 15–20-minute break every 2 hours. If you suffer from chronic pain, you can move at an interval of an hour. While on a road trip, plan to stop at particular intervals. Making movements elevates your blood circulation, thereby bringing oxygen and nutrients to your back.
● Feet support
Supporting your back with feet can help to a great extent. This starts by leveraging your spine from your feet. Place your feet on a firm surface. Make sure it is at the correct height to prevent stress. If placed at the wrong heights, it may transfer pressure to your back. It is best to keep your knees at a right angle. If you sit in a seat that is too high, make sure you place your feet on a footrest.
Consequently, you can cause damage to your back by doing certain things. One of the riskiest times that for your back is while you commute.
1. Two-wheeler
If you commute by a two-wheeler, you already know that it does not have any back support. This can give you a bad posture. Also, carrying heavy bags can make it worse and aggravate your back pain.
What can you do?
Choose a two-wheeler that divides the weight among your back and wrists. Make sure you avoid carrying a huge load so that you don’t lean forward. This will balance your posture and you won’t feel burdened.
2. Four-wheeler
While traveling in a car, you can aggravate your back pain if you have chronic pain and sit in the car for over 30 minutes. This can cause more stress to your back. This happens because we often lean forward while driving.
What can you do?
Lumbar support is essential when you are traveling by car. By adjusting your seat in a way that your spine stays aligned, you give support to your back. Your head gets support from the headrest as well. Moreover, make sure you get out and stretch a bit. Walk for a while and do exercises!
3. Trains and flights
Our usual posture is S-shaped. While you sit in the very same position for long hours, your S posture changes to C. This limits the blood flow and causes pain in the tissues of your back.
What can you do?
You can get up and walk every 30 minutes. This will help stimulate your blood flow and help supply vital nutrients and oxygen to your back. Moving for at least 10 seconds will work instead of sitting straight for 5 hours.
Following the above-listed tips and tricks while traveling can help ease your back pain to a great extent. Ensure following these whenever you travel to relieve your pain, thereby reducing the chances of it becoming chronic pain.