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The growing cycle of your hair can be affected by a wide range of variables, but by far one of the biggest variables is stress. With hair thinning as well as hair loss associated with this, it is important to ensure that you take time to yourself to combat stress before it begins to affect your mind and body. In this article, we will be looking into how stress can affect your hair growth in the long term.

Lack Of Sleep
When dealing with stress, oftentimes it can result in a lack of sleep over the course of a week or even a year depending on how long the period of stress is. This can then lead to the body struggling to gain the nutrients that it needs in order to repair and grow. The same is to be said for your hair as this continues to grow at night as your body repairs itself. Therefore, making time to relax and have early nights will help to keep your hair healthy during this stressful period.
Increase In Testosterone
Testosterone can have significant implications on hair growth as it can cause the hair to become thin and brittle and in some cases, can even cause hair loss. In some cases, particularly in women, this can have an effect on the growth cycle of your hair, leaving you with permanent hair loss. If hair loss continues to escalate and all other forms of treatment have not aided in the regrowth of your hair, then the FUE hair transplant cost could be the perfect solution for you when combatting this.
Can Affect Your Immune System
Though this cannot be helped, stress can lead you to feel worn down and lethargic when completing everyday activities and this can, therefore, affect your immune system. This can, in turn, affect the growth of your hair as you will be running low on valuable nutrients to help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and will have nutrients being used to fight infection. During this time, it is important to eat correctly and rest when you can as this will help you to boost your immune system and remain on top of general self-care and overall health of every part of the body, thus helping to prevent illness.
Lack of Exercise
If you are experiencing a large amount of stress, this can then lead to you spending more time in the office and less time exercising and enjoying some downtime. By reducing the amount of exercise you are conducting on a day to day basis, you are then reducing the potential of new hair growth as a result. Not only will sweat help to clear out the pores and maintain scalp health, but increased blood flow will help to promote growth and provide your scalp with the nutrients it needs. Therefore, it is important to eat healthily and keep up your exercise regime, regardless of your schedule.
Whether you are coping with a lot of stress at work, or you are worried about how a stressful life event could be affecting your hair, it is important to note that it can all be resolved with a few simple changes to your everyday routine.