A pedestrian hit by a truck has an almost zero chance of surviving the accident. This is because these collisions tend to result in catastrophic injuries or death. Even if the pedestrian only suffers minor scrapes after being hit, it can still be a life-changing event. A pedestrian hit by a truck can suffer from extensive physical and emotional trauma, especially if they are left with permanent disabilities due to their injuries.
Here are some practical tips for protecting pedestrians from truck accidents to reduce the likelihood of such accidents.
Increase Your Visibility
The first tip to protect yourself from truck accidents is increasing visibility. In dark alleys, it may seem like there are no pedestrians around, but you never know when a driver may unexpectedly be there. In the daytime, you’re far more noticeable if you wear bright clothing that contrasts with the background. In terms of night-time visibility, wearing reflective clothing, shoes, and a belt is a good idea.
Cross the Street at the Designated Crosswalk
One of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents is failing to yield. This means that the pedestrian steps off the sidewalk and begins walking across the road without cars showing signs of slowing down or stopping. The best way to avoid this situation is to wait for the walk signal at a designated crosswalk. While not every intersection has a crosswalk, many cities have put in a lot of effort to ensure that pedestrians can safely cross the road by placing crosswalks in many areas. The problem is that too many pedestrians don’t realize they’re there, or they don’t bother to use them.
Try to Find a Wide Path or Lane That Only Pedestrians Can Use
If you’re forced to cross a busy street at a crosswalk, you want to try your best to protect yourself from cars that are turning by finding a way to stay out of their way. One option is to look for a lane designated for pedestrians only. These lanes are often wider than standard lanes and have a different texture to alert drivers that they are not regular lanes. If you’re in a city where these lanes exist, use them. If not, try to stay as far to the left side of the road as possible.
Check for Blind Spots Before Turning
When a truck driver makes a turn, they often have to consider several factors, especially how close they are to the curb. If a truck driver looks in their mirrors and sees nothing but a sidewalk, they may be more likely to turn in front of you. One way to help protect yourself from this situation is to check for blind spots before stepping off the sidewalk and into the road.
Avoid Distractions
Distracted driving is a serious problem that has led to many deaths on the road. Unfortunately, distracted pedestrians are just as dangerous. Whether you are talking on your phone, texting, or using your headphones, you’re less aware of your surroundings. You should be incredibly attentive if you have a child with you. Pedestrians are so focused on their children that they aren’t paying attention to the cars around them.
We hope you are now better prepared to deal with the dangers of being a pedestrian. When you’re involved in an accident, you need to contact a truck accident lawyer from reputed law firms to help you understand your rights. If you ever feel in danger, remember to stay calm, keep your wits about you, and always be aware of your surroundings.