Are you having trouble getting enough sleep as a new parent?
You aren’t alone.

According to a survey conducted by Sleep Junkie, almost all new parents lose at least three hours of sleep each night during their children’s first year. The good news is that your newborn will start sleeping consistently at three or four months of age.
But how do you deal with sleepiness during the early months of your infant’s life?
Fortunately, strategies such as sleeping when your baby is asleep or using a Mela weighted blanket for adults are effective in helping you get enough sleep after a nighttime of crying or feeding your baby.
So, let’s look at some of the strategies that can help you get enough sleep during the first year of your infant’s life.
1. Sleep When Your Infant Is Asleep
Your newborn will sleep for 16 to 18 hours daily. This often happens in a short day and night naps of between 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Experts recommend that as a new mom, you should sleep when your baby is sleeping, as it can be difficult to rely on overnight sleep.
So, even if you have laundry or dishes to clean, forget about them and get enough sleep. After all, your health is more important than completing your daily chores.
If you’re finding it difficult to sleep when your baby sleeps, you can try a relaxing activity, such as a warm bath or meditation, to help your body shut off for a while.
2. Take Turns with Your Partner
Taking care of your newborn should be a team effort. Create a schedule where you split duties with your partner. You can also take turns getting up at night to feed or change the baby.
If possible, ask for help from family members too. For instance, a friend or a family member can watch over your other children, so you can manage to get a quick nap during the day.
Further, if you can afford it, hire a night nurse to help you get a restful night, even if it’s for a few days.
3. Create a Relaxing Bedroom Atmosphere
Creating a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom can help you fall asleep quickly and longer. Start by getting rid of clutter in your bedroom and doing away with stimulating lights from your phone or the TV.
Additionally, make sure your bedroom temperature isn’t too cold or hot. Put lights off and also ensure your bedroom is quiet. The same recommendations should also apply to your infant’s bedroom.
4. Go for a Weighted Blanket
The stimulating pressure from a weighted blanket can help you sleep better.
Weighted blankets provide deep touch pressure, which increases the production of melatonin- a sleep-inducing hormone, serotonin – a mood-boosting hormone and decreases the production of cortisol – the stress hormone. The result is that you drift off more quickly, and your sleep’s overall quality also improves.
The swaddling effect of the weighted blanket also provides comfort to help calm your stressed body down.
However, never use a weighted blanket on your infant. Weighted blankets are considered unsafe for babies below two years.
5. Teach Your Baby Healthy Sleep Habits
Your precious bundle will need to learn how to fall asleep on its own.
To help your little one sleep without help, avoid rocking him in your arms before sleep. When rocking your infant becomes a habit, they will find it harder to sleep without you rocking them.
Also, give watchful waiting a try where you avoid picking up your little one every time they cry. This teaches them to self-soothe and can help them comfort themselves when they wake up in the middle of the night.
In closing, getting enough sleep is one of the best ways of taking good care of your infant. When you’re sleep-deprived, you are likely to be more tired and irritable, which isn’t good for you or your baby.