If you’ve ever sat up until midnight trying to help your child with their homework, then you’re one of many parents who’ve wished for a miraculous homework fairy. While we can’t offer you any magical solutions, the following tips will help ease the burden:

- Set a Homework Timetable
When deciding on the best time for your child to complete their homework, it is important to remain realistic. You don’t want your child starting homework at 9 pm because you come home late from work.
For best results, pick a time when your child’s mind is still alert. Try to schedule homework time immediately after school or any extracurricular activities they may have. If you cannot be home to assist your child, consider online tutoring as an option.
- Set a Good Example
Did you know that as a parent, you are your child’s biggest role model? That’s why it’s so valuable to model great behavior for your kids to follow. You could start by having an area in the home designated specifically for your work and their homework.
If you work from home, complete your tasks in your designated area. Make sure that this space is free from distractions, and model good practices by tidying the area before you start and after you complete your work.
If your child sees you doing this, they will do the same. Having a designated homework area also gives this school work the importance that it deserves.
- Set Up Dates with an Online Tutor
Online tutoring is a cost-effective and easy way to get your child the assistance they need from the comfort of your home. With online tutors, you don’t have to arrange any transport for your child to get to and from tuition.
All you need to do is place a computer with a strong internet connection in the designated homework area. Your child can then log into the online class and seek assistance from their tutor for homework problems that they don’t understand.
Online tutors can also work towards building your child’s self-confidence. Plus, you can choose how much tutoring your child needs and how many times per week they will attend lessons.
- Offer Plenty of Praise
There is no denying the value that positive reinforcement plays when it comes to kids and homework. Rewarding your child for homework well done and praising them for persisting with difficult tasks is an excellent strategy for keeping them motivated.
Praise your child if they work well independently. Make sure to give concrete rewards like an extra hour of Playstation time during the weekend if homework during the week was well done. Rewards like this can help to motivate your child to do their homework tasks properly and on time.
- Set Up Homework Rosters
Once you’ve decided on your homework timetable, consider what you will do on those days when they come home with minimal to no homework. On homework-free days, include time for enjoyable educational activities or special projects.
This homework roster will serve as a guide not just for you but for your tutor as well, should you choose to hire one.
As your child gets older, you’re likely to spend more time helping them with their homework, and naturally, the work will get more complex and challenging as the years go by. That’s why it’s so important to get organized and take the necessary steps to set a good example for your child. Use the tips above as a guide, and you and your child can enjoy more productive homework sessions both now and into the future.