While it’s uncommon, children can experience back pain. It’s rarely a symptom of anything serious and usually goes away quite quickly. If it doesn’t then make sure to take your child to their physician, to have their back pain investigated.

As with everything in life, prevention is better than cure. There are lots of things that you can do to make sure that your children never experience back pain, saving you and them the trouble of a trip to the doctor’s surgery.
In this article, you will find a list of tips that will help your children to avoid back pain:
One of the leading causes of back pain in younger people is ill-fitting and improperly worn backpacks. When you’re comparing backpacks and shopping for the right one for your child, make sure that you find one that’s not too large [or too small] for them. In addition, you should aim to buy one that has side adjusters, so that they can adjust the backpack’s height and position on their body. Instruct your child to wear their backpack on both shoulders, instead of on just one. Improper wear can result in back and shoulder pain.
Another way to avoid back pain is to instruct your child to avoid activities that cause repeated strain on the same muscles, such as gymnastics and weight lifting. While some children and young people can perform these activities easily, others can’t. If your child does experience back pain and practises any sports or activities that could be contributing to it, pull them out until they feel better. There are other sports and activities that they can practise without hurting themselves. In addition, make sure that they practise proper posture when they’re performing any activities that put strain on their back.
Stretching is a good habit for your child to pick up. A lot of people well into their adulthood don’t stretch, even before or after exercise. Stretching can be a great way to keep your child’s muscles healthy. Stretching is especially important if your child sits down for long periods of time, reading or playing video games. Encourage your child to begin stretching wherever they are. You can find online videos that teach you the best way to stretch your muscles after you’ve been sitting down or exercising, which you can show your child.
Encourage your child to get up and move around. Unfortunately, today’s youth seem more interested in playing video games and staring at their phones than they do exercising or going outdoors. If your child spends most of their time sitting down and not moving around, encourage them to get up and get outside. Long periods of no activity can be very bad for your child’s health, not to mention their back. Technology can also be very addictive and bad for your child’s mental health. Try to limit the amount of time they spend on their phones, even if they are up and moving around.
If your child has to spend long periods of time sat down studying, then make sure that you teach them proper posture. Poor posture when you’re sitting down can be very bad for your health. Encourage your child to sit up straight and eliminate slouching. Slouching puts a lot of strain on your back, which over time will lead to back pain. Because most children are having to study from home at the moment, this is especially important. You could also invest in an ergonomic desk chair, which will reduce the strain on your child’s back.
Another leading cause of back pain in young people is obesity. It’s completely unnatural for a child to be overweight. If a child goes into adulthood overweight, there’s a strong chance that they will continue eating unhealthily for the rest of their life. In addition, obesity causes back pain because of all of the extra weight added onto your child’s frame. To avoid obesity, encourage healthy eating and exercise. Your child should eat lots of fruit, vegetables, and healthy foods. If you cultivate a culture of healthy eating and exercise when your child’s young, they’ll carry it on for the rest of their life.
Something that’s unknown to a lot of people is that stress can cause back pain. Research has found that children who are depressed, anxious, or stressed experience higher rates of back pain. When your child is stressed, they will be unable to exercise, sleep properly, recover, and rest. Try to make your home a stress free environment and encourage them to talk about anything that might be bothering them at school or even at home. Allow your child to de-stress and relax – try to avoid piling up chores for them to do as soon as they arrive through the front door.
Rough play is just a part of childhood. It’s usually something that’s completely unavoidable. However, as your child becomes a teenager, they will need to go easy on the rough play. Roughness can cause injuries, which can result in back pain. If your child plays any contact sports, like rugby, make sure that they posture properly and play the sport correctly. If they have hobbies like tree climbing, mountain climbing, or hiking, make sure that they have all of the proper equipment so that they’re able to enjoy their hobbies without hurting themselves.
It’s crucial that your child gets the right amount of sleep, as well as a comfortable bed. If your child’s mattress is old, bumpy, or damaged, then it could cause them significant back pain. If your child doesn’t get enough sleep, then they might also experience back pain. If you’re struggling financially and can’t afford to buy your child a new mattress or bed, there are lots of charities that offer second-hand beds to low-income households. You might also be able to find one online, listed second hand or new on a website like eBay.
Your child shouldn’t ever have to experience or suffer from back pain. If you follow all of the tips suggested in this article, then your child’s back will be strong and healthy. If your child experiences back pain even after you have corrected their lifestyle, take them to a doctor.