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What you do every day becomes the life you live. Unfortunately, most of us forget this simple fact. If at any time you have trouble rebuilding yourself, remember to start with your habits. The rest will naturally fall into place. It is time for life changing decisions.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the best habits to develop. Some are so easy to pick and cost less than your morning coffee. Let us see what they are.
Because we lead busy lives, skipping breakfast is a common practice among women. When you skip breakfast, you are starving your body of energy for the day. As a result, you may feel dizzy, tired or drowsy. What we eat for breakfast is also important. Make sure to include cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables in your breakfast menu.
Take a deep breath
Ancient wisdom suggests that breathing is the bridge between mind and body. During the times when you feel stressed or frustrated, consider taking a deep breath. However, deep breathing should not be reserved for such occasions. Deep breaths will give you more control and more peace of mind to carry out your daily task so make sure you do it regularly.
Eat more vegetables
Eating more vegetables will provide you with nutrients that your takeout food usually does not contain. If you do not have time to prepare all of your healthy meals, include more vegetables in the ones you cook. Take vegetables and fruits more often.
Meditate for 10 minutes
It becomes difficult to focus when we are so inundated with information from all directions. The electronic devices we still carry could be the culprits here. Take a moment to appreciate yourself. You will start to see things more clearly as you start to look inward, just a short ten minute period each day would help.
Take care of yourself
Managing career and relationships with everything can get a little tedious. At the same time, neglecting your personal health and well-being will cost you dearly in the end. Taking the time to do what your body and mind need will help you stay on track. Choosing yourself is a call you have to make every day.
Drink lemon water every day
The way you start your day has a lot to do with the way your day goes. Lemon water with a few drops of honey can do wonders for your health. It cleanses your digestive system, strengthens immunity and improves skin health.
Practice self-acceptance.
Accepting oneself is a challenge for many these days. When the media overwhelms us with images of successful foreigners, we cannot stop comparing ourselves to them. The resulting feeling of inadequacy is a malignant tumor that needs to be addressed. Radical self-acceptance is the solution to this feeling that can leave you frustrated and uncomfortable.
Talk to your loved ones
You can always rely on your loved ones if you are going through difficult times. It’s up to you to contact them. Other than that, take the time every now and then, if not every day, to have a good personal conversation with the people closest to you.
wWorking out can be the best way to get some of the bad energy out of our system. Breaking a good sweat is not only refreshing, but will also energize you throughout the day. A good 45-minute workout, with proper warm-up and cool-down exercises, will do wonders for your health. You can choose any fun physical activity, like cycling or badminton, which is also recreational.