Out of all the known foot deformities, hammertoe is the most painful. It is an abnormality that creates a bend in the toe’s middle joint. Hammertoes can affect any toe on your foot but mostly affect the second and the third. Hammertoes occur due to an imbalance around the ligament, tendons, and muscles. Fortunately, you can correct the condition by visiting any hammer toe New York podiatry. You can even visit one for a checkup to take any precautionary measures. Some people are more prone to getting hammertoes than others. Without further ado, here are the risk factors for them.

1. People Who Wear Tight Shoes
Some people wear tight shoes because of how stylish they are, yet are unaware they could get hammertoes that way. Others are poor at choosing the right shoes. Besides wearing shoes that do not fit, people can get deformities when they wear those with very narrow toe boxes.
When buying shoes, you must ensure they are spacious. That means you should not feel any rubbing at the sides of the toe box or the top.
Another thing to remember when buying them is to ensure they are long enough. It means there should be at least half an inch between your long toe and the toe box.
2. People Who Inherit Certain Foot Shapes from Their Parents
Hammertoes are not hereditary by themselves, but the kind of foot you are born with can make you susceptible to them. People who inherit flat, flexible feet from their parents are at risk. That is because the foot has to struggle to stabilize against a flattening arch.
Also, people born with high arches are at risk because the extensor tendons may gradually overpower the flexors.
Lastly, if you have long toe bones, you are likely to get deformity. Check to see if the second toe is longer than your first. If that is the case, you may get a hammertoe.
Ensure you compare your foot’s appearance with your family members. If you notice some similarities, it would be best to take preventive measures by consulting a specialist.
3. People with Neuromuscular Disease(s)
A neuromuscular disease is one that affects the muscles due to a malfunction within the nerves and muscles. An example of one is diabetes. Diabetes affects the circulatory system, which can lead to hammertoes. With insufficient blood flowing around the foot, the toe will experience a lot of pressure. In severe instances, it can lead to the loss of a foot or toe.
People with such diseases should modify their shoes. If you fall into this category and are unsure of the shoe to get, consult your doctor.
Fortunately, you do not need to develop a hammertoe to seek medical help. Although doctors can correct the condition, you would not want to head there with a lot of pain. Additionally, it can be expensive if the condition is serious enough to warrant surgery. If you fall into any of the three categories, a doctor can advise you on what to do to avoid getting hammertoes. This information is not just for you. If you also know a friend or relative who is at risk, you can advise them to see a doctor as soon as they can.