I really love HABA toys and games. They are classic, timeless and quality made to last. I was thrilled to get to review two of their games:
HABA – Animal Upon Animal Balancing Bridge
“The German game “Tier auf Tier: Das Große Abenteuer – Animal Upon Animal: The Big Adventure‟ tells a story of a crocodile leading the way across a precarious bridge surrounded by water, desert, jungle, and a volcano. When the other animals see the crocodile’s initial success, they pile on after him, resulting in a far more precarious situation. Players of the game are responsible for piling the animals on the (not-so-unstable cardboard) bridge, trying to meet goals on the game’s cards while avoiding knocking the pile-up of wooden animals into the surrounding habitats. Players choose one animal per turn based on a roll of the die and add it to the tower; a tower topple results in the addition of a goal card to that player’s hand, and the first to accomplish all his or her goals wins the game.”
“The wooden animals of the game are colorful and appealing (though painted on only one side; as the game is otherwise double-sided, this made them look slightly odd). They are well-balanced, but slightly slippery, so a steady hand can get them in place, but too many animals piled together leads to an inevitable but hilarious crash. All of our children enjoyed playing, and it was enough fun that no one was left feeling disappointed in the end. The game is even fun played alone.”
We played this game when my nephews were over to visit. Everyone who played enjoyed the game. Players where: Bug age 3, my nephews ages 9 and 11, and myself. The recommended age is 5 and up. Since Bug is younger we had to be extra careful that he didn’t knock over the animals we had stacked. We have played many times since then and the fun continues. This is a really fun family game and I recommend it!
Another place to look at online would be joker123 to find out more about some games mainly for adults.
“In this charming game, players have to hunt for and describe where Leo the Lion may be hiding. Cards show the “real location‟ in the lower left corner, and the “last place I saw Leo‟ is in the thought or speech bubble above each animal’s head. Players race to follow the route and find Leo’s “real‟ location. For example, the frog last saw Leo asleep in his bed. Players scan the circle of card tiles to find the bed in the lower left corner of the tile. Ah ha! The bed is in the Bear’s room. But Leo is not there. The bear last saw Leo at the lighthouse. And so it goes. As in any search, the hunt ends in the last place you look.”
Bug really enjoys this game. The recommended age is 5 and up, so he requires a little more help than an older child. But we still have a great time playing it. It is great to see him learning a lot as he plays, it requires him to use many reasoning skills, some of which he has just recently learned from this game. This is a great educational children’s game that I also recommend!
For more details on both of these games, visit HABA’s informational website at www.HABAusa.com. You can purchase these games at www.maukilo.com.
Animal Upon Animal Balancing Bridge and Where’s Leo get Bragging Rights!
*I received both games mentioned above from HABA for my review.