Living comfortably in your own home is always pleasant, but as soon as your air conditioning system breaks down, your home becomes uncomfortable. Air conditioners, like any other appliance, have their operational span, which may be reduced by some factors discussed below.
This guide provides a simplistic view of when to think about the replacement of AC, the cost you are likely to incur and some factors which you should consider. The following aspects should be understood to enable you to manage the process in a manner that is free of hitches.
Understanding the Necessity of an AC Replacement
One of the first things you should look for is whether your air conditioner is still able to cool your home to the desired level. If some parts of the house seem less chilly than the others or if the air from the vents is not as frigid as before, then your AC may be nearing its useful life. Another thing that can be noted is whether your electricity bills have gone up suddenly. When your AC has to work harder in order to achieve the desired temperatures, it means that it’s consuming more electricity.
Expenses That Come With AC Replacement
To purchase a new air conditioner means a great expense, thus, it is not a small decision to make. Price determinants may vary with parameters like size of the house and the air conditioning unit you are willing to buy. The costs vary from a low of $3,000 and a high of $7,000 for average costs among homeowners. This price entails the cost of the new unit, and the charges that can be attributed to the installation of the new unit. Choosing a model which is an energy-saving model might be a little expensive initially but will prove to be more beneficial in the sense that energy bills are less.
You should also factor returns such as rebates or tax credits associated with the installation of energy efficient systems. These can go a long way in helping to manage the initial cost.
Key Considerations Before Replacing Your AC
Size is an important element of consideration. An oversized AC unit will not efficiently cool the air (it won’t effectively regulate the humidity levels), while a small AC unit will not cool the room well during hot weather. It is recommended to consult a professional at Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning who will identify the size most suitable for the square footage of your house, layout, and insulation.
Last but not least, the time to perform the replacement should be examined. Ideally, it is preferable to replace your AC during the colder months of the year, when HVAC companies like Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning may not be very occupied. This can lead to more efficient service and possibly even cheaper offerings, depending on the context of what you want.
Being aware of when you need to replace your air conditioner, comprehending the costs, and bearing other crucial factors in mind will assist in the selection of the best option that fits your house and your pocket. In case you have observed some signs that show that your AC requires replacement, then it is wise to seek the services of a Mr. Cool Heating & Air Conditioning technician who will advise you and also give a quotation. Just think of a new air conditioner not only in terms of the cost but in terms of the increase in the value of your house comfort and livability.