Groovy Girls Princess Dahlia Doll & Royally Ritzy Bed Review and Giveaway
Hello again BraggingMommy readers! I hope you are all well and are ready for the school year to end and summer vacation to begin! I know that I am in a bittersweet way! I am just not ready for my only little girl to turn 3 this summer and start going to nursery school come the fall. I will only have 1 baby left at home with me during the day very soon and that makes me very sad. I only have 1 little girl and she’s my little helper! I told her she wasn’t allowed to grow up but she refuses to stop! 😉 She laughs at me with a big grin and says mommy I’m a big girl now! I am dying inside every time she says that because I want to keep her as my little baby forever but I have a big smile and nod to show her I am proud. We were recently offered a chance to review one of the Groovy Girls, Princess Dahlia, and her Royally Ritzy Bed by Manhattan Toys. I accepted the offer knowing how much Juliana loves to play with doll. I knew she would love Princess Dahlia and her Royally Ritzy Bed because Juliana loves to put her dolls to sleep and tuck them into bed.
Juliana loves to play with princesses and dolls so when we opened the box and pulled out Princess Dahlia and the Royally Ritzy Bed she immediately latched onto her with a big bear hug, grabbed the bed and ran off to go play with her. I heard a thank you being yelled out muffled under the thump thump thump of her feet running down the hallway. I could not help but laugh. Groovy Girls are princess dolls and perfect for a daughter who refers to herself as a pretty pretty princess! I was really impressed with how well Princess Dahlia was put together. In my experience with dolls that have yarn hair, they tend to rip and fall apart very easily. Princess Dahlia feels extremely well sewn together and I was impressed that it withstood the fights between Juliana and her brother when he was wanting to look at her new doll. If Princess Dahlia could hold up during that tug of war, I knew she would last a lifetime in this house. The Royally Ritzy Bed was impressive as well. Not only with its eye catching gorgeous colors, the Royally Ritzy Bed has a pillow and blanket that are actually attached to the bed itself so that they do not get lost. I LOVED to see that I was not going to have to be on a mission to find a missing pillow every day! The blanket was not just a cut out piece of material. The Royally Ritzy Bed has the feel of an actual comforter with the stuffing inside and beautiful lace on the edges.
“Introduced in 1998, Groovy Girls® is a one-of-a kind line of dolls and accessories that reflects and appeals to a girl’s sense of fashion and style, as well as her many interests. Each Groovy Girls character has a unique look expressed in her hairstyle, skin tone and hip outfit — just like girls in real life! This fabulous collection encourages every little girl’s sense of self-identity and individualism, celebrates friendship and diversity and validates the fact that girls are important in the world.”
I was happy to see that on the website, not only are there a lot of dolls and accessories I can buy for Juliana to play with her Princess Dahlia doll but they have a do-it-yourself kit to make your own bed for the Groovy Girls. They have some other do-it-yourself items as well but knowing my daughter, I was excited about the bed making kit. I have not seen Juliana without her Princess Dahlia doll in bed with her at night since she took her from my hands. The Royally Ritzy Bed has its own special spot in Juliana’s room right next to her bed as well. I like it when Juliana uses her imagination and not always watching cartoons or wanting to play with a video game.
For more information on Princess Dahlia & her Royally Ritzy Bed or any of the Groovy Girls, Please visit
Princess Dahlia & Her Royally Ritzy Bed Gets Bragging Rights!!
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