This post is in collaboration with Instasmile.
Surgical beauty treatments are painful and expensive, to say the least. Fortunately, modern technology has led to multiple non-invasive beauty treatments. These modern treatments are often cheaper, faster and far less painful than the surgical options. Although some of them seem a little whacky, they are popular among celebrities and beauty treatment experts. So why not give them a go and save some pennies while you’re at it?

Cool sculpting
Forget liposuction, cool sculpting is the new fat-removing beauty treatment. Cool sculpting uses cryolipolysis to freeze unwanted fatty deposits under your skin. Round paddles are applied to the skin to suction out fat like a vacuum. While it is mildly uncomfortable, there is no down-time or scarring.
If you have stubborn pockets of fat, like bingo wings and a muffin top, this is a great way to contour your body. However, this is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise and is not suitable for significant fat loss.
Mesotherapy is a substitute for the infamous Botox. They will inject you with a mixture of vitamins, amino acids and medication under your skin. It is designed to plump, brighten and hydrate tissue. The formula of vitamins injected into the skin is dependent on the issue of your skin. Just one treatment can make you look refreshed and plumped in no time at all!
Standard veneers are expensive and involve a procedure. Clip on veneers price far lower at just $375 for your whole mouth – and there is no invasive procedure involved. You can have perfect pearly whites without any fuss at all.
If you need treatment for psoriasis, insomnia, eczema or a little helping hand with weight loss, this is the one for you. Cryotherapy was formerly used by athletes to relieve pain and accelerate recovery.
Just 3 minutes of Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) can lead to losing 600 calories. The treatment involves standing in a -90C tank for 2-4 mins. This stimulates blood vessels and makes blood rush to the surface of your skin, giving you a rosy glow. Apparently, the sub-zero temperatures are manageable because of the electrical technology used.
Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba ad Cristiano Ronaldo are big fans of this treatment!
Chemical peels
Unlike other skin procedures, which can involve injections and other invasive instruments or ingredients, chemical peels are only on the surface of the skin.
The chemicals are applied to the skin surface, and by removing old skin and boosting collagen production show firmer, smoother skin beneath.
The procedure’s intensity can vary so it’s worth doing your research beforehand!