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Having a child is a one-of-a-kind experience. It is something that most people only once or twice, which is why they always try to make the most of the situation. Heck, after one or two births most women don’t want to go through it again. Give how physically and mentally straining the task can be, this makes complete sense. That being said, every parent wants to give their child the best possible life, and believe it or not, this starts in the birthing stages. You can enhance your child’s early life by giving him or her a healthier birth.

Proper Prenatal Care
With the reach of the Internet these days, most people are trying to self-diagnose and do things on their own. There is an immense amount of resources available that can help you do such things, but nothing can substitute for a real-life care provider. The Internet is a wealth of knowledge and can provide you with immense information, but everyone is different. What works for you might not work for someone else. This you won’t know unless you get a proper evaluation from a trained professional.
Watch What You Put In Your Body
When you take on another life form inside your body, you’ll need an extra 300 calories a day. That might seem like a small amount, but if you aren’t getting 300 good calories you won’t take care of your baby’s health. Eating empty calories or stuffing your body with unhealthy comfort foods can have adverse effects. You’ll need plenty of healthy protein along with calcium and other essential nutrients. There will also be foods that you’ll want to avoid because they contain potentially harmful ingredients. Make you know what these are and are avoiding them.
Folic Acid And Iron
Most women know that they need prenatal vitamins. However, they do not know why they need them. That being said, it is the folic acid and iron in these items that are essential. Folic acid has the properties to reduce your baby’s risk of neural defects like spina bifida. 400 micrograms every month should be enough for any healthy female to suffice one pregnant. Iron, on the other hand, is something that increases once you get pregnant, especially during the third trimester. While you’ll need iron substitutes early on, it is something that you’ll want to monitor and taper off once you get further along in the pregnancy.
Exercise And Rest
Pregnancy comes with more weight, which means that your body is going to be under immense pressure at all times. It’ll have to carry around more weight than it is used to. This is something that will require strength and endurance. While you’ll eventually develop the strength and endurance that you need, it’ll make the entire situation a whole lot easier if you start enhancing these qualities now. Good exercise will not only physically prepare you for the upcoming physical struggle, but it’ll boost your serotonin level, the mood hormone. Proper rest will ensure that you are well recovered and ready for what might come next.