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Also known as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, this has been making a buzz in the international industry. Simply said, the delta-8 contains cannabinoids, which are normally found in cannabis plants. It has been well-known that cannabis has relaxing properties and other benefits, making it quite popular in the market these days.

The said component is then extracted from the CBD hemp flower and used in a wide range of applications. Does it make you feel high once consumed? There is a variety of responses to this. According to some, there’s a mild kick, despite the lowered concentration amounts of cannabinoids in the compound. Some others have mentioned that there is no effect whatsoever and that they don’t feel stoned after using. It can be consumed orally in a variety of ways, most commonly found in vape juices. Some varieties can also be consumed sublingually, or comes in other edible forms.
Benefits Of Delta8 THC
Up to date, there is very little research made on Delta8, although some of the few studies conducted about this look promising. Listed below are some of the benefits of delta-8 when used:
Relaxing Properties
There’s no denying that cannabinoids have major relaxing properties, thus, with a small concentration of CBD on the said product, it has been noted that people may experience anxiety relief and experience relaxation after using the product. This has also shown some amazing effects on people who are having difficulties sleeping, although more studies are needed to prove this claim.
Based on a 2013 study made by the National Cancer Institute, delta-8 THC is known to be one of the cannabinoids that react well in inhibiting tumor growth. The research has also found out that other types of tumors have shown sensitivity to delta8, which inhibits the growth and even stops it from spreading in different areas of the body.
Cannabinoid and Cannabis Research made a study in 2018 stating that delta-8 THC has been shown amazing potential in the treatment of both pain and inflammation when used topically. Up to date, more research is being conducted to use, but based on the previous uses, it has shown promising results, and many people reserve to this for their muscle, joint, and other pains caused by inflammation. It can be consumed in many ways, ut the most popular is undoubtedly via a vape pen – you can learn more about delta 8 THC vape cartridges at
.Stimulates Appetite
Based on a 2004 study, when given in small doses, delta8 has been shown to significantly improve appetite, while also improving cognitive function. Although the test has been conducted on mice, research has suggested that it can be potentially used in the treatment of different eating disorders and has promising results, with little to no side effects on continued usage. Check out more at Area 52.
Side Effects of Delta8 THC
Researches have noted that there has been an insignificant number in terms of the side effects of delta-8 when consumed on a regular basis. While there’s more research that needs to be conducted, but the majority of the effects when taking cannabis and all the amazing benefits are also found in the said cannabinoid. Always remember, when taking alternative forms of treatment to always consult with your doctor.