When asked if I would review The GiggleBellies music videos for kids I had to accept. My children really love music, to dance, and watch TV. How could I go wrong by saying yes to reviewing The GiggleBellies?! In my mind I couldn’t. I had no idea that my kids would love it so much that it would cause some serious fights between them! The triple-pack arrived with a nice plush elephant named “Peanut” whom I thought would find his way into my daughters room. I really did not realize that my children were going to have to make arrangements to share him every other night.

As I said we received a triple-pack of The GiggleBellies DVDs to watch. As I was reading the DVD packaging I realized that we had the ability to take the DVDs and put them in our computer and download the MP3 audios to make our own CD to listen to in the car! They also have some coloring pages that we could download as well. I have not been able to print them out yet due to lack of ink in my printer but we are excited to do that. The GiggleBellies really are fun music videos for kids! They are all made with really bright colors! That is why my kids are so excited about having the coloring pages to print out! They can not wait to add their own colors to the colors of their musical adventures!

All 3 of the DVDs run for about 30 minutes, but they all have a looping feature so that they can continue to play without having to stop and start them over again. Very often I like to put music on and have silly dance parties with my kids to get some extra energy out. This was way more fun than my dance parties. We have had some back to back snow and ice storms this winter. This has been the perfect way to pass the time being stuck indoors for so long. My youngest son, Grayson, is just over a year old. He found the bright colors and music mesmerizing. We put on the lullabies DVD on last so that it would calm them down right before nap time came around. It really worked. Juliana, who is 2, and Grayson both fell asleep while watching it.

“Peanut” The elephant that we received is bright and soft! My children love him and have gotten into a fight every night since he arrived with who gets to sleep with him at night. Right now he is the only stuffed animal that they offer to purchase but they have birthday party products that you can buy! You can have a GiggleBellies themed birthday party and only have to shop at one website to purchase your decorations.

Right now thru March 31st, 2014 you can receive a 10% Discount off any purchase just by entering the code: MOM2014 at checkout. Thats an awesome deal for this award winning product that I know my kids have been enjoying!

For more information on The GiggleBellies DVD please visit www.thegigglebellies.com.
The GiggleBellies DVD and Plush Elephant, “Peanut”, Get Bragging Rights!
One Lucky Bragging Mommy Reader Will Win Their Very Own Triple-Pack Of The GiggleBellies DVDs!