As a parent, it’s easy to worry and many tend to do so when it comes to technology. It’s all around us and there’s so much for children to access. As a result, these younger generations have grown up being glued to their phones, ipads, and television screens. Getting them out and showing them that the world is more than just a screen, is important.

With that being said, let’s look at four ideas that’ll help get the children off technology for at least an hour or so. Even if it does mean that by the end of the activity, they’ve hopped back on – it’s a start!
Do an outdoor sports activity
Being conscious of a child’s health is an important one, especially as technology can often be limited in its exercise opportunities. Doing an outdoor sports activity is one way to get them up and on their feet. The sport, in particular, will often depend on the type of sports the children enjoy.
For some, it might be saltwater fishing trips and for others, it may be ice hockey or baseball. Whatever type of sport it is, it’ll get their blood pumping and it will provide them with fresh air. It’s even better if they’re partaking in a sport that other people are playing with them too.
Try baking
If it’s a household that enjoys their food, then a good way of helping remove them from the clutches of a digital screen is with food. Baking is a life skill that they can benefit from and so if it’s possible, then get them started on baking. It’s going to inspire them to bake and cook themselves as they get older.
As much as cooking can be a chore for some, it can be a passion for others. Starting them young is a good way of inspiring that passion in them.
Take them to a local park
A local park is a great way to get some fresh air but to also enjoy the wildlife that’s around. Some parks might have more to offer and it’s a great way to get to know the local area too and meet up with friends. If there’s time, then a picnic can always go down well!
Prepare a few sandwiches and some of their favorite snacks, wrap it all up and take it out with a picnic blanket in hand. It’ll go down a treat and it’s a nice day out for the whole family.
Do some painting
For the times when the weather is terrible, it can be a great idea to get the paint and other art materials out to get the creative juices flowing. If getting a little messy isn’t something that’s a no-go in the home, then set up an area where the children can run wild with their imaginations.
Make sure you put up those pieces of art around the home to serve as a reminder of the time that you spent together.
These types of activities are always fun for young children and those older too. Make sure to incorporate more time into non-technology activities!