Flying Fun! Guillow’s Glider Airplanes Review and Giveaway
Guillow’s toy airplanes haven’t changed much since dad and grandad were kids. Even their prices start at an amazing $1.79 — giving the sense of the good-ole-days. For 88 years Guillow’s has sparked wonder in childhood. Today’s kids may adore their electronics and software and big-screen games, but hand them a $3 airplane kit and watch! They will discover the joy of being outside and flying a toy plane they constructed with their own hands. This spring, instead of flying a kite, give kids a few toy airplane kits to make and then marvel. Guillow’s suggests its Foam Gliders with names like Sky Raider ($6.99) and Delta Dart ($3.99). The airplane model company is known for its Balsa Gliders and suggests four models for beginners including Jetstream ($3.59), Eagle ($1.79) and Sky Streak ($3.09). At these prices, grownups often buy a dozen to have around the house, whenever the urge to run outside and make some memories presents itself! “I played with these when I was a kid in the 1950s and got a lot of mileage out of them,” wrote one Grandpop on about the Balsa F-15 Eagle Glider. “They’re inexpensive, simple to assemble and the biggest risk is losing them in trees and on roofs. I bought two dozen for my grandchildren and it was a great idea. They involve mild physical activity, mild coordination and a place to fly them (stay away from trees). A good, inexpensive and fun toy.” Guillow’s wide range of build-it-yourself kits are sold at hobby shops and online at popular sites like Ideal for an afternoon with Dad or the next-door-neighbor’s kid, these seven new models are what childhood is all about!
My boys just love anything with wheels or that flies… don’t they all? They were so excited when our box of Guillow’s Glider Airplanes arrived. I put my dad to the task of helping them put them together and fly around, and they had such a great “men’s” morning flying planes. I love the idea of the boys enjoying something that doesn’t have any batteries or sounds and just a good old fashioned activity that brings them outdoors and gets them running around the yard. I think they’re favorite was the big foam plane, but they are still a little young yet and it was the easiest for them to fly. My dads favorite was definitely the wind up plane. These planes make awesome gifts for any little ones! Thanks, Guillow’s!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
Quality scale balsa model airplane kits, balsa wood gliders, foam gliders, foam wind up Copter toys, and many more flying toys that ensure hours of fun outdoors!
Guillow’s wide range of build-it-yourself kits are sold at hobby shops and online at popular sites like
Ideal for an afternoon with Dad or the next-door-neighbor’s kid.
Best of all, all of these gliders are easy to assemble, with an estimated assembly time of 5 minutes.These seven models have no glue required, and assembly time should be under 5 minutes for each plane.
Today’s kids may adore their electronics and software and big-screen games, but hand them a $3 airplane kit and watch! They will discover the joy of being outside and flying a toy plane they constructed with their own hands.
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.