Thumb sucking may seem harmless, but it is a bad habit that must be stopped early on in the child’s development. If a child continues sucking their thumb as they become a toddler and beyond, there are real consequences that can result. Not only can teeth malocclusion occur, which is when the rows of the teeth become directed outward, there are serious emotional and psychological damages that can happen.

Your child may be ridiculed, but the real danger is that they may fail to develop other coping skills. Some psychologists even think that thumb sucking can lead to addictive behaviors due to the comfort and reward they get from sucking their thumb. With so many negative consequences that are possible, there is no shortage of reasons to get your child to stop thumb sucking.
Use a Thumb Guard
One of the most effective ways to stop your child’s thumb sucking habit is to buy a thumb guard. This plastic product wraps around the wrist and covers the thumb with a plastic guard. When your child goes to suck on their thumb, they will be greeted by plastic that isn’t as satisfying to suck on as their skin is. It will also prevent the cracking, bleeding, and callusing that results from the moisture of their mouth covering their thumb for long periods. A thumb guard is helpful when it comes to putting an end to this bad habit.
Use a Thumbsie
A similar product is called a thumbsie. This is the cloth equivalent to the thumb guard. It wraps around the wrist the same way and covers the thumb so that the child can only suck the cloth. While thumbsies aren’t as effective as thumb guards—they aren’t as large—they can make a big difference when it comes to thumb sucking. Moisture might get through the thumbsie, but it won’t be as satisfying to suck on their thumbs.
Use Mavala Nail Polish
There is also a specifically-designed nail polish for helping your child stop the habit of thumb sucking. This nail polish tastes bitter and discourages the child from sucking their thumbs and fingers. Children don’t have a developed palate and hate the taste of bitterness. All you have to do is paint the nails of your child and when they go to suck their thumbs it will taste very bad. It’s a great way to stop your kid from the habit without putting something on their hand or arm.
Use a Hand Stopper
When you just can’t get your child to stop sucking their thumb there is a product called a hand stopper. When you put this product around the elbow to stop the child from even being able to bring their thumb to their mouth. While this may make your child angry that they can’t fully use their arm, it will put an end to thumb sucking. You can’t always have this product on their arm, but it can help break the habit and work towards eliminating it completely.
Consult a Professional
If you’ve tried everything and can’t get your child to stop thumb sucking, you might want to consult a professional about the problem. Not only will a doctor or child psychologist be able to tell you why your kid sucks their thumbs, they can offer tips to get them to stop. When all else fails, ask a professional about what you can do. It is absolutely imperative to help your child stop sucking their thumbs. If you don’t do anything about it, physical, emotional, and development issues will result. If you’re having a hard time finding one, you can check out this dentist in Richmond Hill now.
Thumb sucking affects the child’s teeth, skin, and mouth, but it also impacts them in other ways. They might be made fun of, but they will also develop coping skills and mechanisms that everyone needs to be healthy, happy adults. Thumb sucking can cause communication problems and other social problems. It might lead to ridicule and alienation. Avoid these complications by helping your child stop the bad habit of thumb sucking. You won’t regret doing your best to facilitate your child’s development. When you do, your child might get mad at you but you will be doing the right thing for them. Is your child struggling with thumb sucking? Take a look at these solutions today.