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In Australia, every 2 out of 3 people are diagnosed with a form of skin cancer before they attain the age of 70. More than 750,000 Australians are diagnosed and then treated for skin cancer every year. That is why it is important to get checked up for any spot or moles you are suspicious about by Sundoctors Wyong at a skin cancer clinic near me on the Central Coast.

Different Types of Skin Cancer
There are three types of skin cancer and they are as follows –
Basal Cell Carcinoma – This type of skin cancer is responsible for 70% of all Melanoma cancer diagnosis. This is the least dangerous of the three types of skin cancer. It appears as slow-growing skin cancer on a person’s scalp, upper torso, or neck. It may appear red, have a pale look or pearly sheen in colour.
Melanoma – in Australia Melanoma had a number of cases. It appears in the skin that is overexposed to the sun and it is the most dangerous of the three skin cancers. If it is kept untreated, it can be fatal in as less than 6 weeks. It appears as a flat, blotchy mark on the skin with an uneven outline.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – This accounts for 30% off all non-melanoma cancer diagnosis. It is quick-growing cancer and is not so deadly as Melanoma. It can also spread to other areas or organs in the body if it is not treated quickly. It appears as a red, scaly spot and will bleed if you irritate it.
If You Are Suspicious, Check The Moles
You may start by checking the moles at home using the method ABCDE. You may need a mole removal and you can use mole removal parramatta for that. If still, you are concerned to make an appointment to visit the Skin Care Clinic.
● A – asymmetrical. Check for an uneven growth or mole on your skin.
● B – Border. If the mole’s border is blurred or uneven, you have to observe it.
● C – Colour. You can watch the spots that are grey, red, pearly or odd in appearance.
● D – diameter. If you note a spot that is over or at 6 mm, get it checked.
● E – evolving. A mole which changes or evolves is a good indication that something is not right, and you should get a mole check at a skin cancer clinic.
Visit A Skin Cancer Clinic
Once you notice an irregular mole or spot and do the ABCDE check, it is a better idea to get it checked by a professional. There are many skin cancer clinics having experienced staff and the tools to give you the right care possible. They offer services of mole check and mole removal, biopsy, dermoscopy. The key to these types of skin cancer is early detection and you also need to get the best care possible. It is better to consult your nearest skin cancer clinic and let them help you and answer any queries you have.