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Scabies is a skin infection that is caused by mites. These mites are found in the upper layer of the skin where they live and even lay their eggs. The obvious symptoms of scabies include skin rash and serious itching. This infection is spread mostly by skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies.
When you see similar symptoms on your body, it is important for you to see a dermatologist who would examine your body using a microscope. This skin doctor might need to remove some skin through a painless process to check it on a glass slide. If mites are found or even their eggs, it means you have scabies.
However, you do not have to freak out about the diagnosis. The first thing that you need to know when your dermatologist diagnoses you of having scabies is that your life has not ended. There are ways you can manage the situation and come out of it radiating with health especially after getting rid of the itch.
There are reliable ways and methods in which scabies can be treated. All you need to do is go through the treatments according to your doctor’s prescription and you are back on track. However, there are certain steps you need to take immediately when you’ve been diagnosed with scabies.
Check out my guide for treating scabie for more accurate details.
- Make Sure Your Roommate Gets Treatment
Scabies is a highly contagious condition that affects the skin. There is a high chance that your roommate or sex partner would also be infected with scabies. Preventive measures have to be quickly taken in order to avoid a scabies outbreak. Although your roommate may not show any symptoms, you cannot take any chances especially with scabies.
- Take Your Medication As Prescribed
Your scabies can stay for as long as 6 months if you refuse to use your medication properly. It is wrong to use your medication less or more times than prescribed as it would have side effects. By using your medication too many times, you are setting up yourself for more itching episodes which you do not want. Your prescription may include permethrin cream, sulfur ointment, crotamiton cream, benzyl benzoate and Lindane lotion.
- Change Your Bedding
Taking your medication and using the lotions is a good way to treat scabies, however, it goes beyond that. If you want all the traces of scabies to disappear from your house you need to change your bedding, towels, clothes and even keep your stuffed animals away for sometime. Mite can live and breed itself in your bedding which is why you need to change it and wash it with hot water to make sure the mite dies.
It is wrong to use scabicide that is used for treating crops or livestock when you have scabies. What you need to do is follow your prescription, if you still have symptoms after 4 weeks, it only means the mite has not died completely. See a dermatologist for further details.