Mention root canal and most people wince. The immediate concept is of a painful procedure to mend a damaged tooth. While this was the case; today root canal is a simple procedure, done at your dentist, and there is minimal pain.

The tools and techniques have come a long way since 1838 when the first root canal instrument was made from a watch spring.
The Root Canal
The part of your tooth you can see is the outer layer, the enamel. Under this hard substance is a softer material known as dentin. Go past the dentin and you’ll find the pulp. This is soft tissue and is where the blood vessels and nerves sit. The pulp is essential to the development of your tooth.
But, once the tooth is developed it’s possible for it to get all the nourishment it needs from the surrounding tissue. In effect, the pulp can be removed without damaging the tooth.
Root canal surgery should always be done by a good dentist, such as this dentist Narre Warren. They will drill through the tooth and gain access to the pulp at the centre. The pulp is then removed and the area is cleaned, to ensure there is no infection.
The space where the pulp was is filled and the hole in the tooth is also filled. This can be a simple filling or may involve fitting a crown.
The tooth will still work in the same way as any other tooth.
Signs Root Canal Is Needed
Regular visits to your dentist will help to detect issues early and prevent problems from developing. In theory, this will reduce the need for a root canal.
But, it is still possible. If you have the following signs and symptoms then you should contact your dentist, you may need a root canal:
- Pain when you chew or bite
This places pressure on the tooth and the pulp, sending a blast of pain through your nerves.
- You can see pimples on your gums
Pimples on your gums tell you there is an infection present. As well as seeing them you will be able to feel them with your tongue.
- You’ve damaged a tooth
A chipped or cracked tooth provides easy access for bacteria, making it highly likely you’ll need root canal surgery. Get it checked and sorted as soon as possible.
- Gums are swollen
This is another sign of infection.
- Your tooth is decaying and your gums are a deep red
This indicates you have badly damaged teeth, allowing bacteria access to your pulp. You may also be suffering from an infection and gum disease.
- Extended sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks
It’s normal to develop tooth sensitivity as you age and the enamel coating thins. But, if the sensitivity remains after the heat has been removed, it’s likely because the hot liquid has accessed your nerve. That means it is exposed and needs root canal surgery.
It is important to note that the area is numbed before root canal surgery is performed. Pain is almost non-existent and the tooth will just be a little sensitive after treatment.