From around the age of six, your baby teeth start to fall out and you will get your permanent teeth. These are the only teeth you get to last you throughout life. The best way of ensuring you still have your teeth in old age is to follow your dentist’s advice and brush twice a day as well as flowing.

Of course, you should also visit your dentist regularly to ensure there are no other issues. While visiting a dentist can be nerve-racking, a reputable one like this dentist St Leonards, will do everything they can to help you keep your teeth and mouth healthy.
That may include offering fissure sealants to your child.
What Are Fissure Sealants?
Children often find it difficult to clean their teeth properly themselves, even with the best intentions. Unfortunately, children also tend to have deep pits and groves, also known as fissures. This is effectively the area of the tooth that they bite with.
If these fissures are not cleaned thoroughly then bacteria will build up and cavities can occur. When children start to develop cavities at a young age it can be much more difficult to look after their teeth for the rest of their lives.
One way to prevent the issue of poor cleaning and potential cavities is to use a fissure sealant.
This effectively covers the top of the tooth, preventing bacteria and acid from attacking the actual tooth. The sealant is thin but very effective at preventing enamel decay on this sensitive area of the tooth.
Giving Your Child Treatment
The process is surprisingly simple. Your dentist doesn’t need to use needles or drill anything, they simply apply the sealant to the top of the molar as they erupt, dealing with each set once they have erupted.
Naturally, the dentist will give the teeth a good clean first to ensure no debris or bacteria is trapped under the sealant.
Your dentist will shape the sealant, effectively mimicking the original finish of the tooth. The entire experience is painless and should help to reinforce the dental experience, making it easier for your children to go again in the future.
It is worth noting that, if you look after your teeth, the fissure sealant should last into early adulthood. At this stage, you should have mastered cleaning your teeth and the grooves or fissures won’t be as deep.
Why Give Your Child Fissure Sealant
The basic idea is that the fissure sealant gives your child’s teeth extra protection. This means they can learn to brush their teeth properly and their teeth are still well protected.
If their teeth stay healthier during childhood it is more likely that they will stay healthy for life. In other words, giving your child fissure sealant is helping to ensure they have a higher quality of life.
Of course, there are many variables and no guarantees. But, for a low fee and a no-pain application, this is something worth giving your child. So why not check out this dentist in las vegas so you can get more information on this procedure for your kid?