While you never think that your home will be hit by an emergency, you should always be prepared. Being equipped to handle any situation such as a break-in, fire, earthquake, flood, power outage, or quarantine can mean the difference to your family’s survival.

#1 Non-Perishable Food and Clean Water
In the unlikely event that you’re stuck at home, you’ll need extra food and water to survive. It’s recommended that you have at least three days worth of non-perishable can food items such as gallons of water, peanut butter, honey, dried soups, pancake mix, powdered milk, tuna, pasta, granola bars, canned fruits and vegetables, as well as a can opener stored away. You may also need extra food for your baby or pet if necessary.
#2 First-Aid Kit
In an emergency where you’re stuck at home, you may also need homecare medical supplies such as bandages, scissors, sterilized wipes, sticky tape, thermometer, medical creams, painkillers and more. Your first-aid kit may also come in handy if you need a stopgap solution while waiting for emergency responders to arrive.
#3 Flashlight and Candles
An easily accessible heavy-duty flashlight is one of the most important tools to have in case of an emergency, especially if the power goes out. You can also consider buying a self-defence variety. And if the power goes out for several days, then you should have a supply of candles.
#4 Extra Blankets
When the power goes out in the middle of winter for several days, then your home may not have access to heat. Here, heavy blankets can help your family survive. Such blankets can also be used to protect your home in case of a flood.
#5 Fire Emergency Tools
Countless people are tragically killed in fires every year. Because a fire can spread quickly and dangerously, it’s crucial to have the right tools at home.
- Working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to alert everyone in a timely fashion
- A fire axe in case you need to break down doors to escape
- A Fire blanket to protect you and your family from bodily harm
- A fire extinguisher can help you control the situation or clear a path
Aside from these tools, it’s advisable to buy a stair chair from a website like Evacuscape.com — especially if you live in a multistory home and have people with reduced mobility such as the sick, elderly, or handicapped in your household. These chairs are strong, comfortable, versatile, mobile, easily trainable, and can help the vulnerable members of your family safely escape a fire. Statistically, people with reduced mobility are at a greater risk of injury or death in the event of a fire. Having an emergency evacuation chair can help your family members survive.
#6 Cell Phone Power Bank
Your smartphone can prove to be a vital tool in an emergency. You can use it to get help or keep up with the latest news. This can be crucial to your survival if the power goes out for several days and you don’t know whether to evacuate or to stay inside. Unfortunately, modern cellphones run out of power within a couple of days. By having a sizable power bank to charge your phone, you can stay connected to the outside world for more time.
These are some essential items you should have at home in case of an emergency. By being prepared, you and your family can survive any situation.