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No matter whether you are a seasoned professional, new hand, or something in between – taking the time to refine and refresh your skillset is absolutely essential.
So, what should you consider a refresher on and how can you quickly and effectively keep your skills sharp and up to date?
Why are the fundamentals so important?
While having the best kit or latest tools can help make your job quicker or more efficient, there is no substitute for building and honing your core skills. Complacency is a risk in any trade and, before you know it, you can end up in a situation where you are outpaced by the competition or not able to offer the level of service that previously embodied your business.
What should I be aware of?
Every professional knows their craft, but sometimes it can be helpful to take a little extra time to break down your core skill set and take the time to sharpen your fundamentals.
These include, but are not limited to-
Manual Dexterity: A vital skill, keeping your hands in good shape and fine-tuning your precision grip is essential – especially when working in extreme environments or long shifts. If repetitive strain injury or other medical issues become a problem, they should always be addressed immediately. As with every other craft, your hands are your livelihood and should be treated with the utmost care.
Industry Knowledge: Staying abreast of industry trends and forthcoming technology is essential when providing a timely, fit-for-purpose service, or when and how to deploy specialist tools and kit. This can help service clients more effectively, reach out to specialist sectors, and ensure that your problem solving skills allow as many potential solutions to an issue that any client requires.
Business Sense: Having the skills to resolve an issue or put a solution in place for clients is one thing, finding and maintaining those clients is another issue entirely. Being able to deal with finance, manage overheads, staffing problems, and ensure that the business can pivot to meet market needs is essential. Taking time to regularly review your strategy and reflect on work to date is essential when it comes to running a sustainable business.
Marketing: While you may be the best business around, knowing how to reach out to clients is another issue entirely. Thankfully, there are a number of businesses available that can help provide the guidance and support that you need. However, it is well worth taking time to understand your sector and value proposition yourself – after all, no-one is closer to the company that the owner that runs it.
How do I learn?
If you’re keen to keep your skills fresh, there is no better solution than practical training. Picking up training kits of increasing complexity can help build your manual skills and checking out a locksmithing blog or two can keep you up to date with modern trends.
Taking the time to favourite some YouTube videos can help ensure that you have something to watch while on a lunch break and help keep your knowledge up to date. These can range from the above, the specifics of client management, or a wealth of resources through online learning. And as your knowledge grows, so too does the overall value of your business.