The life of every kid is full of events, and some of them can be very upsetting. This is when parenting becomes a confusing thing and you start wondering what to do and how to deal with a tantrum.
Well, the situation is pretty difficult, so we have collected top tips which will help calm a child of any age.

How to Comfort a Newborn
Newborns often cry because they cannot yet explain what they want or lack. There can be several serious reasons for crying:
- Hunger;
- Uncomfortable temperature (hot or cold);
- Being swaddled too tight;
- Full or wet diaper;
- Something hurts.
First, try to address all the things that may bring discomfort, and if it didn’t work and the baby continues crying, you can take the following actions.
Hugs are the thing that works for everyone because a human is a social being and the feelings of support and comfort are important for everyone, especially for a newborn and especially during the fourth trimester.
Hugging will make your baby feel safe and increase the production of oxytocin both in a mom and a baby. It is this hormone that is responsible for the feeling of love, joy, and satisfaction.
White Noise
If you still don’t have a white noise generator, you have to download one of those apps and turn on some monotonous sound. It can be the gentle pitter-patter of rain falling onto the leaves or the sound of a rippling river. With these sounds in the background, start swaying the baby rhythmically to calm him down.
How to Comfort a Baby
At the age of 4 months to one year, a baby is already beginning to develop and become a more complex soul than a newborn. Now hugs aren’t enough, and to calm a toddler, you need to follow certain tricks.

Shift Attention
If your kid is upset or frightened by something, you can turn his attention to something more pleasant or funny: cartoons, toys, or something else. Here are some ideas:
- Get your kid a warm bath with fluffy foam. Let him indulge a little and play in the water with his/her favorite bath toys. In a few minutes, the child will completely forget what he/she was crying about.
- Get your baby his/her favorite food or something sweet (but healthy!). This tasty treat is one of the best “cures” for a tantrum.
- Go for a walk. Playing on the playground and interacting with other kids will help him/her forget the situation that earlier has made him/her burst into tears.
- Shift attention to something interesting: a cat, a large car, or any bright object.
- Put your kid in a car seat and drive somewhere together listening to his/her favorite songs and singing.
The main secret here is to make your crybaby interested in something, and the problem will be solved.
Make Your Child Laugh
If the baby is crying, you can try to make him/her laugh. But how to do it? The easiest way is to make a funny face, but you can also try a few other ways to make your baby laugh:
- Tickle. Tickling is very difficult to resist so the child will immediately start laughing. And, by the way, this will get him/her distracted from the source of concern or fear at once.
- Puppet show. Take your child’s favorite toy and act out a show speaking in a funny voice.
How to Calm a Child of 3-5 Years Old
This is a level-up task for parents because this is a more difficult and confusing age. Here you take on the role of a psychologist. Have a look at the following tricks that will help you calm an adult child:
- Empathy and help. At this age, children already understand everything, so just ask them what happened and why he/she is crying. The child is more likely to start complaining about what upset him/her.
- Release negative emotions. Speaking out and releasing negative emotions is something that helps both adults, adolescents, and small kids. For example, if the child is crying, you can suggest beating the pillow together or do exercises, play an active game, or just what he/she likes the most.
- Try something tasty. Food makes us feel so much better, which is why most people prefer to eat their feelings. However, it is a psychological problem and we don’t recommend that you do that constantly. Offering your kid something tasty and sweet from time to time won’t harm. The main thing is not to overdo it. For instance, you can make a chocolate milkshake or bake cookies together.