Modern parents pay great attention to the complex development of the child. That is why they tend to surround him with toys, with which the baby can learn to work with his fingers, develop fine motor skills, coordinate his movements, and explore the world.

Toys are a very important and essential part of children’s life. The speed of a child’s development largely depends on them, on what their appearance and internal content are. At the same time, we are talking about both mental and emotional development. So, good parents should think about what kind of toys the baby will have from the moment of his birth.
However, it is very important not to forget about the main factor — the age of the baby. For young children, toys with the absence of small parts, as well as stabbing and cutting edges are suitable. Rattles, musical carousels, and soft cubes with images of cartoon characters on them will help your child to make the learning process much more interesting and exciting. Older children will enjoy educational board games, puzzles, and magnetic games.
Why the educational toys are very important in a baby’s life?
Educational toys will help to direct a child’s development from the very beginning of life in the right direction and provide a smoother and more measured path of his word cognition. They will help to understand the laws of the physical world, as well as teach how to think logically, fantasize, analyze, and discover creative abilities, which will be very useful in later life. That is why it is a very good idea to buy educational toys because they not only amuse the child but also help to discover the abilities and talents of the baby.
So, here we have collected the most useful of them:
- Wooden toys
Wooden playthings perfectly help children, especially at an early age, to learn the structure of the world. So, they have a lot of positive qualities:
- Environmental friendliness
Such a product is completely safe for a child, even if he tastes the product.
- Durability
It’s hard to break a tree. Toys can be stored for many years without requiring special conditions.
- Easy to care for
To clean the product, it is enough to wipe it with a soap solution or an ordinary wet cloth.
- Naturalness
Wood allows feeling the warmth, texture, structure of the natural material. Moreover, it has a pleasant smell.
- Reality
The child learns the world around him by smell, taste, and touch. The advantages of wooden toys are that they help to feel the real weight of the product and its density.
- Puzzles
Older children are more difficult to please in the choice of playthings, but they may be interested in puzzles that perfectly develop logic.
Puzzles make us think and strain our minds, without which we will not be able to achieve the desired result.
Such educational toy develops perseverance and purposefulness, teaches the child to concentrate on solving a certain task.
The feeling of victory, when the task is solved, motivates the child to new achievements.
- Magnetic сonstructor
There are also educational playthings that have a direct purpose, for example, magnetic games. In most cases, with the help of magnetic games, it is easier to learn letters and numbers in a short time, because they will be organized in a very convenient and interesting way. Taking into account the child’s memory, the chance that the baby will remember everything is quite high. So, thanks to such toys, a baby can significantly outdo his peers.
Scientists have proven that the faster the process of world cognition by the child starts, the better. So, since the child no accepts lectures and serious lessons, it is nothing better than educational toys that allow learning even the most important knowledge in an interesting playful way.
- Trains
Rails, wagons, passenger and freight trains – all of this is covered with the charm of exciting travels, even small children not familiar with them. However, the benefit of the brio train set is not only in the ability to awake the interest of the baby for far more than one hour, but the children’s railway also improves fine motor skills, promotes imaginative, logical, and spatial thinking of the child. At the same time, all these qualities only get stronger over the years. After all, complex sets designed for older children are comparable to full-fledged constructors, where it is necessary to create your own railway network from a variety of elements. This requires a certain patience and ability to concentrate, as well as imagination, ingenuity, and creativity. By the way, the fascination with the miniature railway world can turn into a real hobby for life.
Anyway, we should not forget about the importance and necessity of books that open a window to the world around kids and are a huge source of information. Remember that no toy and game is capable of providing a child with fundamental development like the time spent together with parents.