Have you ever experienced shoulder pain that just won’t go away? If so, you’re not alone. Shoulder pain is a common complaint, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, overuse, and age-related wear and tear.

What is Dry Needling?
One potential treatment for shoulder pain is dry needling therapy. Dry needling is a type of acupuncture that uses thin needles to stimulate trigger points in the muscles. This can help relieve pain and improve the range of motion. When dry needling shoulder muscles, the needles are inserted into the muscles that attach to the shoulder blade.
Dry needling is thought to work by releasing the muscle knots, which in turn relieves pain. It’s also believed to promote healing by increasing blood flow and release of natural pain-killing chemicals like endorphins.
Is Dry Needling Safe?
Dry needling is considered safe when performed by a trained professional. There is a small risk of bruising, bleeding, or soreness at the needle site. More serious side effects, such as puncturing the lungs or damaging nerves, are extremely rare.
Does Dry Needling Work?
There is some evidence that dry needling can be effective for treating shoulder pain. A review of studies found that dry needling was more effective than no treatment at reducing pain and improving function.
A small study found that dry needling was more effective than traditional acupuncture for treating shoulder pain. And a survey of physical therapists found that dry needling was one of the most effective treatments for shoulder pain, with a success rate of over 80%.
What are the most prevalent types of pain treated with dry needling?
The most prevalent types of pain treated with dry needling are:
-Neck pain
-Shoulder pain
-Back pain
-Elbow pain
-Hip pain
-Knee pain
When dry needling is used to treat shoulder pain, the needle is inserted into the muscle tissue. This causes the muscle to twitch, which can help release tension and knots. dry needling can also help break up scar tissue and increase blood flow to the area.
What are the benefits of dry needling?
The benefits of dry needling are many, but some of the most commonly reported is that it can help to relieve pain, improve range of motion, and increase blood flow to the area being treated. dry needling is also thought to stimulate the release of endorphins, which can help to reduce pain naturally.
Dry needling is a form of therapy that involves inserting thin needles into the skin to stimulate the underlying muscles. This form of therapy has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, but it is only recently that dry needling has gained popularity in the Western world.
There is a growing body of research that supports the use of dry needling for the treatment of pain and dysfunction. A recent systematic review of the literature found that dry needling is an effective treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including shoulder pain.
If you are suffering from shoulder pain, dry needling may be an option worth considering. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor or physiotherapist to see if it is right for you.