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Do you think that there is a relationship between back pain and COVID? Have you ever heard stories from Corona survivors that support this statement? Yes, or No, whatever your answer it let’s dig into this mystery to bring out the truth behind this statement.

You must have heard about the famous celeb Ellen DeGeneres who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus. In her Twitter video message, she revealed an unexpected and agonizing symptom, back pain.
In that message, she said that there is another excruciating symptom apart from those they had told you. Further, she mentioned back pain as an unrevealed symptom by doctors you may suffer during the ailment.
She added that back pain is the one they have not told to the public but when she enquired other survivors, they acknowledged to have faced severe back pain during Corona.
Does this claim, made back pain a legit symptom? Does the medical science or doctors support this claim? Find your answer in light of experienced doctors.
Doctors’ Opinions Regarding Back Pain Caused Due to COVID’19
The CDC (center for disease control and prevention) has prepared lists of body and muscles that usually aches as symptoms of COVID-19. However, back pain has not been mentioned in lists specifically.
Some doctors and physicians have observed back pain among people who are caught by this deadly disease.
Vidya Mony said that they have been discovering diverse presentations of COVID-19 and back pain can also be its symptom. She is an associate medical director at SCVMC (Santa Clara Valley Medical Center), D.O, and an associate hospital epidemiologist in San Jose, California.
Current research aids that back pain is surely a symptom of the corona. The review gathered from 1000 patients observed in Boston’s outpatient clinic for COVID-19 during the initial phase of the global pandemic.
Furthermore, the latest list of symptoms has been compiled by the researchers of Harvard Medical School. To aware the masses of these symptoms, the list was published in the journal of Mayo Clinic Proceedings on April 20, 2020.
Back pain was included in this list accompanying fatigue, body aches, diarrhea, sore throat, headache, abdominal pain, and fever.
Muscle or joint pain apart from being one of the possible initial symptoms of coronavirus can become the long-lasting effect of corona said the CDC.
According to the study of the British Medical Journal published in November, muscle ache is found to be the second common symptom of “long COVID”. In the UK a group of 201 low-risk young patients facing the COVID-19 symptoms, around 88% has reported suffering from chronic muscle aches even after 4 months of their initial corona infection recovery.
Back pain is not considered the most common symptom of COVID-19. Although, Dr. Mony further recommended getting tested for coronavirus if you feel or experience unexplained and unexpected back pain.
Besides the coronavirus, you always require medical care for tenacious back pain, because it might be an alarm signaling for many health issues like a kidney condition, a herniated disc, or arthritis in your spine.
Any changes in your spine can lead to back pain. These changes are mainly due to natural issues like aging, said the NIAMS (national institute of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases).
Similarly, CDC said that acute back pain is tremendously common for leading to disability worldwide.
Furthermore, the latest research claimed that the human’ musculoskeletal system can get affected by COVID-19 which results in great pain in the body. This condition of muscle pain is referred to as myalgia and it is considered a probable symptom of the coronavirus.
People across the globe have been facing different varieties of symptoms since the inception of coronavirus. The breakout has not only opened door to new problems but also has opened door to proceeding ailments.
Above and beyond influencing the lives of people around the world coronavirus has been nonstop to hover the physical well-being of various people with its growing and extended variety of symptoms. Therefore, you cannot give a final thought regarding which symptoms are the consequences of COVID-19 and which don’t.
The same goes to back pain and COVID. There is no concrete statement that supports a relationship between back pain and COVID however, neither a doctor nor a researcher has said anything contrasting the relationship between these two.
Patients who have survived from COVID-19 have reported having suffered from severe back pain. Similarly, evidence has also been collected that has shown this symptom among people who have recovered from the corona.
Interestingly, even after fully recovering from this ailment most of the patients are still facing severe back pain. It means that back pain can be the long-lasting consequence of corona.
Despite a continuously growing and expanding list of symptoms, the most general symptoms are still the same including dry cough, sore throat, pain in the chest, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, and fever. Thus, these are the classic symptoms that COVID-19 will always be diagnosed with even in the future.