Did you know that anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million American adults (approximately 18% of the population) annually? What is more concerning is that only about 37% of the population seek treatment even though it is treatable. Today CBD for Anxiety has become one of the most potential supplements for anxiety due to various anecdotal research and scientific findings. However, does CBD oil work for Anxiety? Based on thousands of customer reviews and testimonials, there is no doubt that, indeed, CBD works for Anxiety. Stress is caused by various factors such as life events, brain chemistry, and genetics.

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the many chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant that contains therapeutic properties. The other most common is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes psychoactive effects. The CBD oil used in CBD-infused products is not extracted from cannabis but from industrial hemp that contains less than 0.3% of THC. This is the legal threshold set by the federal government, and it cannot cause a “high effect” when consumed.
How does CBD Oil work for Anxiety?
Experts believe that the medical properties are realized when the compound binds with the receptors, especially the CB1 and CB2 of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a complex network of neurotransmitters responsible for controlling various body functions such as pain and Anxiety. Since the ECS already has cannabinoids, consuming CBD helps boost various body functions through a binding mechanism with the receptors that transport signals to the brains, triggering a restoration response of the body’s homeostasis.
While it is true that the precise mechanism of action of CBD for Anxiety remains debatable amongst medical experts and researchers with no universal agreement, most scientists believe that it has to do with its effect on serotonin. Some people consider serotonin a hormone, while others view it as a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, digestion, appetite, and emotions.
Anxiety and depression are associated with low levels of serotonin. CBD helps improve and increase serotonin production, which boosts their feeling of well-being.
What Does Research Say About CBD for Anxiety?
Past and ongoing scientific studies have shown that CBD works for Anxiety. Even though most of these findings are not conclusive, the prevailing evidence has been positive, depending on the nature of Anxiety. This has been confirmed by various professional bodies such as NIDA (the National Institute on Drug Abuse). Evidence shows that CBD helps patients exhibit reduced symptoms of generalized anxiety. A research article published by the Kyoto University’s department of Primate Studies also confirms the anxiolytic benefits of CBD, especially when used repeatedly.
Other studies have also confirmed that CBD can help manage other neurological disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorders, social anxiety disorders, and insomnia-induced Anxiety. Even though the findings of most studies confirm the effectiveness of CBD for Anxiety, there is a need for human-centric trials to ascertain its effectiveness. As a result, users are cautioned against ditching doctors’ prescriptions over CBD products.
CBD Oil Dosage for Anxiety
Even though most CBD oil products come with clear usage guidelines, none is cast in stone. The best practice is to engage your doctor before taking CBD oil for guidance on the quantities you need to take and the frequency of administration. For non-medical usage, you are advised to use the label guidelines, monitor the effects, and adjust accordingly until you realize the ultimate relief.
Several factors are likely to affect your dosage of CBD.
- Weight: Your body weight will affect how much CBD you need to realize reduced anxiety symptoms. Heavier people may require more CBD oil than lighter people to experience the same effects.
- Concentration: Also, it is important to bear in mind the strength of CBD is important when determining the dosage. Highly potent CBD oil is best suited for severe cases of Anxiety because it kicks in faster and lasts longer than the less potent alternatives. Potency is equally diverse from one product to another. You can even find CBD mouth spray.
- Severity: What is the severity of the condition. A higher dosage will be recommended for severe cases, while mild cases can work with a medium dosage.
The dosage of CBD will vary based on the above factors. Even though cases of CBD overdose are rare, it is baseless to take more CBD oil than needed. Considering the prohibitive cost of the supplement, you should be careful not to consume more than you need.
What are the Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil for Anxiety?
Since it is a natural supplement, CBD is perceived as safe without any adverse side effects. Some users have reported experiencing side effects such as weight loss/gain, changes in appetite, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, and gastrointestinal complications.
It has also been established that CBD can interact with other pharmaceutical drugs like blood thinners or supplements, which may affect their performance. Even though most of the said symptoms may be mild, you are encouraged to consult your doctor whenever you experience them. These effects may vary depending on the type of CBD oil used and the dosage.
How Do You Buy the Best CBD Oil?
Buying the right CBD oil for Anxiety does not have to be a demanding endeavor, especially if you know what to look for. Look for the following attributes.
- Brands with a good reputation based on customer reviews and feedback.
- Products manufactured in the United States using locally sourced hemp oil are the best.
- Quality control mechanisms, especially third-party laboratory testing, are paramount.
- Shipping and return policies should be transparent and pro-customer.
- Availability of the same products for future refills.
Other key factors include pricing, customer service, and the type of CBD used. Remember, there are many brands all jostling for customers. Be cautious to avoid being misled.
With more and more use of CBD oil in reducing anxiety becoming ever popular. It is no doubt that further study is required in order to come into any strong conclusion about using the product for anxiety relief. But reviewing the thoughts shared by many CBD users and few of the studies that do suggest some positives about the potential effect of CBD being reducing anxiety, it is comparatively a safe option to give a try.