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The formula for a perfect bed is to support and relieve your body. When lying down, your back muscles are stretched, and relaxed. The natural S-shape of the spine, shoulder muscle and hip muscles are relieved along with Legs and, waist muscles. If the spine forms a straight line in the lateral position – without buckling – the bed system is optimal. If you are buying a standard bed frame, or, double bed frame, or the king-size bed, then compare the king size bed dimension in feet with the mattress, because, a compact bed frame and, mattress makes your sleep comfortable.

When is time for a new bed?
An average of 22 years sleeps in the same bed – and 14 years on the same mattress. For hygiene reasons, experts advise replacing the mat after seven to ten years. Only by getting enough sleep will your body be able to fight pathogens and, provide you with the necessary strength for everyday life. How big is the room? Where should the piece of furniture stand? Restful sleep needs space! Singles are at least a meter wide, couples at 1.80 meters. In addition to the lying area and the height is relevant. The comfort height is between 50 and 60 centimetres, so getting up and getting in easier. Is the bed on the wall? Floating in the room without anchoring and without foundation makes us restless.
Mattress and bed frame are related
Choosing the right mattress dimensions are therefore not only a matter of comfort but primarily a concern for your health. Your health and a restful night’s sleep are very important. What do you need to know before buying? In the evening, the body feels exhausted, and every bed appears comfortable when tested. A mattress that does not fit properly, and does not adequately support critical areas causes back pain and tension, in the worst-case severe pressure points with circulatory problems and/or disc problems.
How is the frame check?
With or, without a headboard, wood, metal or upholstered – that’s a matter of taste. The frame should have at least a thickness of 25 millimetres, then it is stable. Also important – let the connection beats tighten. Then the framework is locked in place and does not warp. If you ever lie under the bed, check for double beds, if a carrying centre brace is present. Thus, neither mattress nor under suspension can sag. You can more opt to the adjustable bed frame with storage drawers. Decisive for your sleep quality is not the mattress, but the slatted frame. When different types of body sleep on a bed, height-adjustable systems are advisable.
What should be considered when buying?
Another aspect which is to take into account is your budget. If you are buying the bed frame only, then take your time, and search every corner of the online store. Compare the stylish bed frames and, decide to buy the perfect one. You must first take the dimension of your mattress and, then you must buy the bed frame. If you are buying the mattress, and the bed frame together then first take the dimension of the bed frame and, then order your mattress. Remember, a good bed frame which supports the mattress and, the perfect mattress which fits your bed frame – together gives you ideal sleep.