I received a psychic reading in exchange for my review and honest opinions. All opinions are my own.

I have only recently started meeting with psychics and I have really been enjoying the experience. Honestly, at first, I was a skeptic. I just wasn’t sure if this could be real. Then I went to a couple of psychic readings and still not being fully convinced. Just quit altogether.
Then one day it dawned on me to think back about my readings and why I wasn’t happy with the experience. As I recalled my reading and my annoyances from them, I realized the thing that angered me back then had actually come true after all. For example, I had a psychic tell me that my current boyfriend was pretending to be someone who he wasn’t. I left upset and crying. Angry that she would say that.

As it turns out, she was one hundred percent correct. He was lying and fooling me. Then I realized, I had a fantastic reading after all didn’t I? So I got back in the game and have had many tarot card readings since. And as long as I give them time to “simmer” as I say. They have always been good experiences.
One thing I had never done, however, was a phone call with a psychic. That is when I found Shawna Allard of Divine Knowing and set up a phone call for a reading with her. In addition to her psychic readings, Shawna is also a psychic coach and spiritual speaker. In addition to phone calls, she also offers a video option as well. Whatever makes you most comfortable. Another tarot reading online is mercurynews, you can find out what your future holds in an online reading.
I really enjoyed my hour phone call with Shawna. I believe people can be vessels for Spirit to pass through and give you the messages you need to hear. Shawna is one of those people. She gives you the option to ask any and all questions you want. I felt a lot of the things she said resonated well with me. But mainly I just felt a connection there and got some answers and clarity that I was needing at the time. I had a very positive and uplifting experience during my reading and also afterward as I reflected upon it. Shawna also records the call and sends you the file to download. I appreciated the ability to go back and listen again later.

If you are interested in a psychic reading I highly recommend Shawna.
You can sign up for a psychic reading and learn more about Shawna by visiting www.DivineKnowing.com.