Time management skill plays a critical issue that every parent need to employ to help their children to organize themselves in a manner that they can be able to utilize the available time effectively. This should be a routine based that the kids need to be familiar with so that they can be able to organize themselves, plan their own calendars and to establish their meal times as well as their free time to play. This discussion will emphasize on how kids will design their time by knowing when to play, when and how to use their devices, the list of activities that they need complete within a stipulated time and finally how to organize and dedicate the time for sufficient sleep with the help of their parents.

Sense of Time
Effective time management is an important issue that parents can teach their kids for the purpose of their children’s development purposes. Children, unlike grown-ups, do not really understand the significance of time management and the sense of it; this is because they do not calculate the amount of time they need to take in order to undertake an activity. They can be glued to action mostly if they find it enjoyable, forgetting other different tasks.
This often affects children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causing them to be inattentive from an activity. Therefore, parents should guide their young ones by creating time estimations for the exercises they engage in order to have the logic of time. This can be well achieved by the use of a timer to calculate the estimated time in completing an activity, for example, you can time how long they take in completing homework versus the time taken to get ready for school. Also, to save time for preparation for school or college, parents can use the college paper writing service which will significantly speed up writing papers. This can also be looked in another perspective where you know the available time your child has by calculating the number of hours taken to do routine chores and finding how much time is left for other unexpected events.
Play with the kids
Parents may sometime indulge children into daily routines of essential activities that deprive their children of having the most important part of growing up. Playing with the kids help them explore new things, making new friends and also offer recreational purposes into their lives.
You can spend the time to have fun with your children even if just for few minutes, children love playing; therefore, doing this with them will play an important role in their lives, as they will feel you have their attention. You can also create a family tree with your kids and don’t let your family history slip away without teaching it to your children. Here are some easy steps on How to Involve Kids in Family History
As with the saying that goes, ‘work without play makes Jack a dull boy,’ it is important to help kids play around to cheer them up after completing a task to help them relieve their minds.
Establish rules for gadgets
Although children will have time to watch televisions and use their electronic devices when the schools are closed, there is a need to help offer quality time management for the betterment of their lives. There is a need to set a maximum amount of time your kids need to have to watch the shows and use their devices. Due to the emergence of technology, screen time can be available throughout the day and night. Hence, there is a need to limit the time for these gadgets and create time for bedtime.
Children need to sleep every six hours in a day before going to school in the morning for their brain to work effectively. Consequently, this can only be achieved when the gadgets are placed away from their reach when it’s time to sleep, and lights are turned off as these devices are so addictive that can take and hinder with the time management set for them.
List of activities that need to be completed
Setting up to do list will help in time management, as there will be a trend to follow up in doing daily activities. This also aids children to put down all the important activities that need to be done in an orderly manner. Parents need to help children prioritize the most important activities that need to be done every week. This is done in a written paper to make it easier to refer to the activities done and those in progress to be completed within the time. The list to do will enable parents and children to group activities that can be done together in order to make efficient use of the available time. The already done listed events can be marked on the calendar to save time looking at the whole of to-do list items.
Planning a good rest and healthy sleep
Various scholars have reviewed the concept of planning good rest and healthy sleep and have concluded that inadequate sleep can lead to mental problems and public health issues. Therefore, researchers have derived sleep guidelines that need to be followed by infants, schoolchildren, teens and adults to enhance quality life and improve on their general attentiveness.
Infants need sleep of maximum sixteen hours daily, children from one to two years to dedicate fourteen hours every day, from six to twelve years of age to sleep for twelve hours daily while teens need sleep ten hours. Various organizations backed up this research like the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure sleep to children is made aware of minimizing the risk of getting memory loss and Alzheimer’s, hence, parents should play the key roles to ensure sleeping time recommended for kids is followed.
In conclusion, child management is an important task that may require good decision making to help kids plan on their time and allocate each activity to a stipulated time in order to make effective use of time as it’s a scarce resource. This will promote efficient learning activities as well as playing and rest time that is part of kids growing.