Dinosaur Train Extreme Interaction Alvin Review and Giveaway [CLOSED]
Inspired by Jim Henson’s hit PBS show, DINOSAUR TRAIN toys merge both dinosaur and train play for action-packed adventures. Create a world of prehistoric fun with collectible dinosaur figures, motorized train sets with lights and sounds, and InterAction figures that talk, sing, and roar together.
The newest figure- Extreme InterAction Alvin– comes to life around his Dinosaur Train InterAction friends; when one of them says the InterAction trigger word, Alvin crouches down low then launches forward at them. Complete with more than 50 fun dino sounds and phrases, Alvin takes InterAction to the extreme!
We are huge PBS watchers in this house, and obviously Dinosaur Train is at the top of my toddler boys’ list! They love the show- it is so cute, and just right up their alley. So when we were sent TOMY’s Dinosaur Train Extreme Interaction Alvin, my boys were ECSTATIC! What is better than a dinosaur who talks and sings? =) They love Alvin, and I really need to get them another one of the interactive dinosaurs so we can see how they interact together- what a great idea! Alvin has more than 50 sounds and phrases- I love this because its not the same sound over, and over, and over again like some of their toys… ugh. You can tell that Dinosaur Train toys are very well made, and I’m sure that there will be many more in our house.
Things that are Brag Worthy:
More than 50 sounds and phrases
Alvin interacts with his other Extreme InterAction friends
Kids will love playing with their favorite Dinosaur Train characters
TOMY’s Dinosaur Train toys merge Dinosaur and Train play
TOMY and Dinosaur Train are generously giving away a Dinosaur Train Extreme Interaction Alvin to one lucky reader!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit TOMY’s Dinosaur Train page and let us know another toy you would love!
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1 entry per day– Follow Dinosaur Train on Twitter & Tweet this giveaway using @TOMYNewsUS & @braggingmommy. You can use this:
#Win a Dinosaur Train Extreme Interaction Alvin from @TOMYNewsUS & @braggingmommy! http://tinyurl.com/cpfcazl {ends 8.15}
You can enter this giveaway until August 15 @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.
About Joanna
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.