Feeling sluggish, puffy, or just plain blah? You’re not alone. Many women experience periods where their bodies seem to be working against them, making them feel and look less than their usual glowing goddess-like selves.
The good news? Some amazing cleanse foods can get your body back on track. These superfoods will have you looking and feeling like the goddess you truly are in next to no time.
Kickstart Your System with Lemon Water
There’s a reason so many cleanse programs start the day with a giant glass of lemon water. Lemons help kick your digestive system into gear, stimulating your liver’s natural detox processes. Starting your day by drinking a big glass of lukewarm water with fresh lemon juice also hydrates your body, getting things moving internally right off the bat.
Be sure to use freshly squeezed organic lemons for maximum effect. Those little yellow bottles of commercial lemon juice just don’t cut it when it comes to detoxification and natural cleansing.
Flush Out Toxins with Cranberry Juice
Another effective way to keep your system flushed of toxins is to drink pure, unsweetened cranberry juice. Cranberries contain powerful antioxidants that protect your liver and kidneys – your body’s natural detox organs.
Research shows that regular consumption of cranberry juice improves liver detoxification enzymes and antioxidant status. It also has antibacterial properties, protecting against urinary tract infections.
When buying cranberry juice for a cleanse, be sure to avoid added sugars. Get it as close to its natural state as possible for the full cleansing effect.
Eat Your Greens!
Want to detox like a true holistic goddess? You have to get your greens in! Dark, leafy greens, for instance, spinach, kale, chard, and collards are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and insoluble fiber that feed your system’s natural detoxification pathways.
Toss a handful of greens in your yummy morning smoothie or sautée them gently with lemon and garlic for a detox-boosting side dish. Going raw? Spinach and kale salads are always a winning choice. Top with omega-rich seeds, lemon juice, or an oil-free dressing made with apple cider vinegar or organic barley grass powder. So good!
Soak Up Toxins with Cruciferous Veggies
You know those slightly bitter, super healthy veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage? They’re known as cruciferous veggies, and they contain a powerful compound called DIM that helps the body metabolize and eliminate toxins.
Research shows that keeping a diet rich in cruciferous veggies boosts your liver’s detox processes, making it more efficient at filtering out nasty toxins. These green veggies also provide your system with a healthy dose of much-needed fiber.
Steam lightly and toss with lemon and garlic, just like leafy greens. Caution: Don’t go too crazy with portions if you’re not used to eating a lot of these. Introducing high volumes of cruciferous veggies can cause an uncomfortable cleanse, digestion-wise.
Go Green with Spirulina
If you’re looking for nutritional powerhouse cleansing foods, you won’t find anything better than spirulina. This algae superfood is also a protein powerhouse, packing in more protein gram for gram than beef or soybeans.
Research confirms spirulina significantly protects kidneys and livers from toxic damage. Studies also show spirulina increases glutathione production, your body’s most important internally produced antioxidant.
Add a tablespoon to your smoothies or mix the powder with water or juice. For maximum detox benefits, make sure you’re getting high-quality organic spirulina harvested from pure sources.
Give Your Digestion a Boost with Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like kimchi, miso, tempeh, raw sauerkraut, and kombucha don’t just taste delicious – they’re amazing for promoting digestion and detox as well.
These foods are full of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help your body digest and assimilate nutrients. Research confirms that probiotic-rich foods improve detox enzyme production in the liver and intestines while protecting organs from toxic damage.
Add a serving of fermented goodness to your meals during your cleanse for extra digestive and detox support. Just be sure to avoid pasteurized products – the heat treatment kills off those beneficial probiotics we’re aiming for. Raw and unpasteurized is the way to go.
Give Your Body a Break with Fasting
Detox cleanses often incorporate short fasting periods designed to give digestive organs a bit of a break.
Intermittent fasting allows systems to redirect digestion energy elsewhere, supporting the body’s natural detox processes. Research shows fasting triggers stem cell-based regeneration, which may have anti-aging effects. There are definite goddess benefits here!
That said, extended food deprivation cleanses can be extreme and counterproductive for many. However, intermittent fasting for 16-48 hours 1-2 times per week is realistic and offers many benefits.
Listen to your body during an intermittent fast. Get plenty of fluids and electrolytes. Break a fast gently with broth and easily digested foods. It’s always wise to work with a practitioner to create a custom cleansing protocol tailored to your unique needs.
Liven Things Up with Liver-Supporting Herbs
Certain herbs have amazing liver and detox-supporting properties. Incorporating some of these natural helpers gives your cleanse routine an extra boost:
- Milk thistle aids glutathione production, supporting natural liver detox
- Dandelion root stimulates bile flow and enzyme function
- Turmeric boosts liver health and anti-inflammatory action
- Ginger calms nausea while improving digestive function
These detox herbs nicely complement a cleanse protocol. Depending on your preference, you can take them as teas, tinctures, or capsules. Be sure to select high-quality organic sources for maximum benefit.
Honor Your Unique Needs
Remember that everybody – and everybody’s cleansing needs – are different. Listen deep within to discern what approach resonates most right now.