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Doctor visits are more common for women than for men because they are more likely to suffer from certain health issues. It has been found in a study that deaths of women by heart attack are more common than men and they are more prone to depression and anxiety. While these were two of the most prevalent ones, here’s a list of a few others to keep you aware:

A. Adolescence
The adolescence is a period of ups and downs, especially the teen years when girls suffer from constant mood swings and stress.
Acne is not just a skin-problem
Acne can make the life of a teenager a whole new struggle-story. Teens are normally susceptible to acne due to several hormonal changes during puberty, but it can become worse because of certain things.
Intake of medications that contain progesterone or lithium used to treat mood disorders can increase the risk of acne. Acne also increases when skin pores are blocked due to the use of greasy makeup products or the use of steroid ointments. Ointments containing benzyl alcohol and salicylic acid are used to cure acne. In worse cases, dermatologists suggest undergoing laser therapies and chemical peels to help remove scars.
Mental health problems must be your priority
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is extremely common in teen girls, in which one can’t stop thinking about the flaws in one’s appearance. Girls are more likely to have it, especially if a parent or sibling possesses BDD or obsessive-compulsive disorder or if the teen has gone through some trauma or abuse.
It can be very difficult to find out when this normal behavior of a teenage girl turns into a serious issue that needs immediate attention. The girl starts to form a negative image of herself and develops low self-esteem. She tries to avoid social gatherings and interactions. Sometimes, they become desperate to hide her flaws and use of heavy makeup products. Psychotherapy and the use of antidepressants can be helpful.
B. Young Adulthood
Adulthood is the time when young women welcome life in real senses and want to make the best of every day but certain issues can force them to slow down.
Menstrual Irregularities must be taken care of
Menstrual irregularities like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are common during adulthood. PCOS is a hormonal disorder where many cysts form on the ovaries. Endometriosis is another painful condition that is frequently observed in women. In this condition, the lining of the uterus grows another lining outside of the uterus. PCOD is one more problem that is related to Menstrual irregularities in growing women.
These conditions can lead to irregular periods and women may face problems in conceiving. Women having a low body mass are more likely to suffer from endometriosis, whereas obese women are found to be possessing PCOS. PCOS can also be acquired genetically or due to stress.
The treatment involves regulating the menstrual cycle by using hormonal birth control. Surgeries are quite effective in removing the overgrown parts, or even the entire uterus.
Migraines are not just headaches
It has been estimated that about 18% of all women suffer from migraines, and about 40% of women mention achieving them in their reproductive years. It is also seen that women suffer from longer and painful migraines than men.
The secretion of hormones like estrogen, and stress and less sleep can lead to migraines. Intaking alcohol and salty food can also increase the tendency of migraines. However, the biggest factor is genetics.
The treatment can either be to stop an ongoing migraine or to prevent an attack from occurring. Medications like aspirin can help in reducing the intensity of migraine and stronger medicines like triptans may be essential.
C. Middle Adulthood
Women in middle adulthood possess a potential risk to some concerning health issues.
Cancer (God, never!)
The probability of having breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers is the most in middle-aged women. They can acquire it simply due to age or it may be due to genes. Women can prevent these by choosing to breastfeed if they have the option, limiting the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking.
Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and targeted treatment are the measures used to cure cancer.
Autoimmune Disorders needs special attention
The danger of autoimmune diseases like arthritis and multiple sclerosis increases. The biggest reason for these disorders is inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medicines can help to reduce its intensity. However, in many cases, a stronger medication that suppresses the immune system is required.
D. After Adulthood
Some major health conditions become more likely in women in their later life – after 55 years of age.
Heart diseases are on an upswing
Heart disease is the leading cause of deaths of women and with old age, this risk increases. Menopause causes the estrogen levels in the body to drop making the risk more eminent. High blood pressure and cholesterol are other major factors.
Dementia and Alzheimer
The most dominant factor of dementia is age. People suffering from dementia have trouble thinking and remembering. The risk of Alzheimer’s doubles every five years. A cure is still being discovered for Alzheimer’s, but there are some medications that can slow the progress of the disease.
Women, now that you are aware of the number of diseases than can affect your graceful growth – make sure you take special care of yourself!