Your grandparents probably had a tough time coming up with creative, unique names for their children. But in 2022, we have the internet to help you out. So, if you’re looking for something other than popular names people search for, let’s give you some cool ideas for your impending bundle of joy.

Name #1: Wolf
This is a great choice for your baby boy. It’s no longer trendy, but it’s still masculine and tough-sounding.
Name #2: Mango
This is a great choice for your baby girl. It’s unique and playful but not too zany or cutesy. You don’t want to give her a name that makes it tough to take her seriously in the workplace!
Name #3: Bandit
Another cool name for your baby boy. You’ll love all of the tough-guy associations that come along with it, but just remember to show him plenty of affection!
If you don’t, he might grow up to be a mean old thief.
Name #4: Aster
This is an excellent choice for your baby girl. It’s sweet and delicate without being too girly or cutesy. You’ll love all of the positive associations it has, like the flower!
Name #5: Amaya
This may not mean anything in particular, but it’s still a cool name for your baby girl. If you want something unusual without weird connotations, this is a great option. Plus, it sounds kind of mystical and magical at the same time!
Name #6: Luna
Another good option for your little girl. This one stands out from common names like Ariel or Aurora, but it’s still a classic and elegant choice.
If your daughter ends up being a moon goddess or something, at least she’ll have a cool name!
Name #7: Lyric
This is an excellent option for your baby boy. It has an artistic vibe to it that you’ll love, but it still remains strong sounding. Plus, if he goes into music or theater later in life, this will fit him perfectly.
Name #8-10: The Jungle Book characters Mowgli, Bagheera, Baloo
Hey parents! If you’re looking for some animal names that are both unusual and respectable sounding, then the Disney movie The Jungle Book might provide some inspiration! You can pick anything from the movie, but Baloo is a particularly popular choice.
If you’re feeling adventurous, why not name him after Shere Khan? Just make sure to teach him how to avoid poachers!
Name #11: Sparrow
This is another good option for your little girl. While it may be too feminine for some parents’ tastes, if she ends up being feisty and independent—she might need a distinctively feminine-sounding name like this one!
Name #12: Archer
If you want an awesome name for your baby boy that’ll make him sound cool, then pick the Olympics-themed name of Archer! It’s a great name that will remind everyone how much of a superstar athlete your son will probably be!
Name #13: Zelda
Zelda’s become an iconic video game character ever since her introduction in 1985. This makes her a good choice for video game fans who want to keep their child’s names from being too trendy. Just make sure you teach her to defend herself against Ganon!
Name #14: Arwen
Another cool name based on a Lord of the Rings character. Arwen is another excellent option if you’re looking for something novel without depressing connotations like Howl or Smaug. Plus, it sounds elegant and has no weird meaning!
Name #15: Kenai
If you want a Disney name for your baby boy, this is an excellent choice. It’s the name of one of the main characters in The Lion King 2, so it will stand out from other popular boy names like Liam or Jackson. Plus, who doesn’t love a name that means “tenderhearted?”
Name #16: Nova
This is a particularly cool name for your baby girl. It’s short, sweet, and simple—but it still stands out from other names like Luna or Ember. Plus, there are major connotations with space exploration! Your daughter will definitely be the coolest kid on her block.