Arthritis is a common condition among most people. Regardless of affecting most people, there is less information about this disease. Arthritis usually affects the joints making them inflamed and causing the person to suffer pain that makes them struggle to move or stay active. There are varying types of arthritis, and each form is associated with different symptoms and may call for different treatments. Since arthritis interferes with the individuals’ ability to enjoy a quality life, most people suffering from this condition seek arthritis Fort Worth treatment. The following are the common types of arthritis.

Childhood Arthritis
As the term suggests, it refers to the different types of arthritis affecting children. One of the most common forms of arthritis is juvenile idiopathic arthritis, also referred to as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Immune system problems cause the condition. This arthritis can cause permanent damage, and there is no established cure. It is crucial to note that remission is possible when the disease is inactive.
If you’re suffering from childhood arthritis, it is important to seek arthritis treatment from a qualified medical professional. A medical professional can help you identify the type of arthritis you have and provide the best course of treatment. The most common types of arthritis that people experience are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type, and it is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the joints. Gout is caused by a build-up of uric acid in the joints. Finally, psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by psoriasis. Each of these types of arthritis requires different treatment and lifestyle changes, so it is important to seek professional medical advice to ensure you receive the best care.
Inflammatory Arthritis
Inflammation is a critical part of the healing process. It is the process where the individual’s immune system will recognize and remove any foreign and harmful stimuli to start the healing process. However, when you have inflammatory arthritis, your body undergoes inflammation without any apparent reason. Since there is no foreign substance to attack, this inflammation will damage the affected joints leading to swelling, pain, and stiffness.
Mechanical or Degenerative Arthritis
This refers to a group of conditions that damages the individual’s cartilage which covers the bone ends. The main task played by the slippery smooth cartilage is to ensure the joints move and glide smoothly. Arthritis makes the cartilage rougher and thinner. In compensating for the cartilage loss, the body variation in the joint function, your body may start to remodel the bone as it tries to restore stability. This condition may cause undesirable bones to develop, leading to osteophytes.
Connective Tissue Disease
The connective tissues play a critical role in binding, supporting, or separating some body tissues and other organs such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. The connective tissue disease causes inflammation and joint pain. This inflammation may also occur in other tissues, such as the lungs, muscles, kidneys, and skin. This problem can have other symptoms that could require the patient to have a consultation with different specialists. Examples of connective tissue disease include dermatomyositis, lupus, systemic sclerosis, and Sjogren’s.
Infectious Arthritis
The fungus, bacterium, or virus which enters the joint will lead to inflammation. They are different organisms that infect the individual’s joints. For instance, hepatitis C is usually a blood-to-blood infection that is spread through blood transfusions or sharing of needles. You can also have gonorrhea or chlamydia transmitted sexually or shigella and salmonella from contamination or food poisoning. In most instances, the specialist would treat this joint infection using antibiotics or other existing antimicrobial medication.
Have you had arthritis that is uncomfortable and looking for a facility to manage this condition? You should not look further since Clover Internal Medicine Associates is here to serve you. The facility has enjoyed increased patient traffic after treating some arthritis conditions termed impossible. The specialist will diagnose your condition before offering you quality treatment. They will also advise you on measures to apply to prevent the condition from recurring. Visit the facility to mark the end of suffering.