Neurological disorders affect your nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. There are over six hundred neurological disorders resulting from different causes like genetic disorders, infections, congenital abnormalities, or brain injuries. Depending on the part of the nervous system affected, you can experience movement, sensation, speech, memory, breathing, or swallowing difficulties. Some neurological disorders are temporary, while others need Alexandria neurology specialists for proper diagnosis, treatment, and management. There are many neurological disorders, and here are the most common.

Headaches are among the most common neurological conditions. In most cases, they are not severe and heal independently. But if yours happens suddenly and recurs, it could indicate an underlying issue requiring medical care. Headaches accompanied by fever, light sensitivity, or stiff neck may characterize intracranial bleeding or meningitis. The treatment your healthcare provider recommends depends on the cause of your headache.
Epilepsy and seizures
Epilepsy involves abnormal electrical activity in your brain that makes you susceptible to getting repetitive unprovoked seizures. If you experience an attack once in your life, it does not always mean you have epilepsy. But if you have it more than once, it may be epilepsy. Seizure symptoms vary depending on the section of your brain causing the issue. There are many treatment options for epilepsy and seizures.
Stroke results from a lack of blood flow to your brain, caused mainly by a clot or blockage in an artery. If a stroke is not treated early, it can lead to disability. If you detect symptoms like balance difficulties, facial weakness, arm weakness, and distorted speech seek immediate palliative stroke care as these may be signs of stroke. Your specialist’s treatment technique will depend on your stroke type and how quickly you arrive at the medical facility.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
This condition affects the brain and spinal cord nerve cells. Doctors do not know the exact cause of this ALS but genetic and environmental aspects are some risk factors. Muscle weakness, twitching, tight and stiff muscles, slurred speech, and swallowing and breathing difficulties are the symptoms of ALS. There is no cure for the condition, but treatment helps to manage the symptoms. Early detection and treatment help to better manage.
Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system condition that affects your coordination. The disease symptoms become worse over time. Early symptoms include posture, walking, and facial expression changes. Later you can develop cognitive and behavioral issues. There is no cure for Parkinson’s, but your doctor can help manage symptoms through different treatment techniques.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Dementia is memory loss and a common issue in older adults. A certain level of memory loss is usual, but some signs may indicate a severe condition like Alzheimer’s. Challenges managing your finances, forgetting the names of close family members, and language problems are common symptoms of this condition. Dementia progresses slowly. Your neurologist can help manage the problem through medications and therapies.
Neurological disorders affect your nervous system, which is responsible for many body processes like talking, movement, eating, and learning. Neurological disorders require proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent severe complications like disability. Schedule an appointment with your specialist at Integrated Neurology Services to treat your neurological disorder to avoid future complications.