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When we speak of overall health, we don’t refer only to our physical health but also our mental health. If in the past, people were more concerned with their body, in the last decade or so, they have become more aware of the importance of the mental health and emotional state. It’s because both, the physical and mental health are intertwined and complete each other, thus creating our overall wellbeing.

One of the most common mental conditions people face is anxiety. Having in mind that around 33% of people suffer from it, it’s very important to find a proper way to treat them efficiently. According to the numerous studies carried out on this topic, one of the best ways to reduce them is to use CBD oil. As it turns out, CBD for anxiety is a natural, safe, and effective way to treat this condition and you can find some great quality, excellent variety and exciting deals at XpressGrass. And, if you also suffer from anxiety or stress (they are both related to each other), here are some things you should know about this method.
How Can CBD Reduce Anxiety?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. This cannabinoid is very similar to the endocannabinoids that are part of our body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for maintaining balance (homeostasis) in our bodies. Some of its functions include regulating sleep, appetite, stress, and so on.
Being similar to our endocannabinoids, the CBD can interact with them and affect their function. Scientists believe that it interacts with the two main endocannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, which are part of the central and peripheral nervous system. Although there’s no exact evidence of how CBD affects these receptors, it’s assumed that it changes the signals of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is associated which anxiety and depression. By affecting the serotonin, CBD may be able to reduce anxiety, that is why CBD for anxiety can be helpful.
As mentioned on MedicalNewsToday, there are several studies that show CBD’s positive impact on treating anxiety. Namely, a 2010 study found that CBD may reduce the symptoms of social anxiety and the way the participants reacted to anxiety. Another study on animals from 2014 found that CBD worked as an antidepressant and has an anti-anxiety effect on the animals. There’s also a 2016 study which showed that CBD can help in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety-provoked sleep disorder in a child with trauma. As it was found, CBD reduces the child’s anxiety and helped her sleep.
How Can You Take CBD for Anxiety?
There are various types of CBD products, including products for oral use, topical products, products you can inhale, and products you can eat. However, since each type has a different way of working, you need to know which one(s) are the best for your condition. Therefore, when it comes to anxiety, you can choose between the 3 following types. Learn more at
Oral Products
Depending on which product you prefer, as well as its efficiency, you can choose between CBD oils/tinctures, capsules/pills, and sprays. The difference between them is that oils (usually in the form of tinctures) and sprays react almost immediately due to being quickly absorbed by the mucous glands in the mouth. The pills and capsules, on the other hand, react more slowly because first, they need to pass through the digestive system and then are absorbed by the body. Nonetheless, all of them are great for reducing anxiety.
Vaping CBD Oil
Another way you can take CBD oil is by inhaling vaporized CBD oil through a weed vaporizer or similar vape device. This way of taking CBD is great because it’s one of the ways that affect your body the fastest. So, if you want an almost instant effect, you should consider vaping.
The last type of CBD products is edibles. They are usually in the form of gummies with different flavors. Since they first need to go through the digestive system, you will feel their effect after 20 minutes or half an hour. But, they are the best option for those who don’t want to be judged by the people around them.
What’s the Right Dosage?
When it comes to dosing, there isn’t enough evidence to show which dosage is the right one. According to a small study from 2018, 300 mg of CBD oil worked great on their participants. As shown, giving this dose to the control group helped reduce their anxiety. On the other hand, giving 150 mg of CBD to the placebo group showed only a slight reduction. The same result was with the participant who received 600 mg.
However, this is a small study, with only 57 participants (all males), so it’s not enough to be taken for granted. There’s more research needed in order to determine the right dosage. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor before buying CBD. They may suggest the right dosage you can start with.