Have you ever had that feeling of not being able to hear from one ear? You hear muffled sounds and some other crackling noises. All of this happens because of the clogged ears. Clogged ears take place when there is an excess buildup of wax in your ears. There is a presence of a gland inside our ears that produces wax. This wax protects our ears from getting infected because of the entry of foreign objects. But, when the gland starts producing wax in excess, there is a buildup and the ears get clogged. This soft wax is then turned into hard wax. Here in this article, let’s see how clogged ears happen, symptoms of clogged ears and home remedies for clogged ears.
Causes Of Clogged Ears
Clogged ears can give you a sense of discomfort, wherein you won’t be able to hear from one side of the ear. It is generally seen in children and people suffering from cold and cough. However, there are other reasons that can cause clogged ears. Here are some of the causes of clogged ears:
- There is a dysfunction in the Eustachian tube as a consequence of some disinfection.
- Wax buildup in excess.
- Cod and cough.
- Other allergies
- Change in the altitude.
- If the water goes inside the ear.
- The problem of the sinus.
Till now we have had a glimpse of the concept of clogged ears. The main question behind this is how does it happen? After studies, the doctors have figured out the reason for clogged ears. Our ears are in a twisted shape and are complex to figure out. The inner, outer and the middle parting are involved in the maintenance of pressure inside the ear with regards to the air pressure in the environment. The middle parting of our ear is connected to the Eustachian tube. In case of any hindrance in this connection, the fluid won’t get drained properly. Thus, there will be a sense of blocked ears and the pressure won’t get equalized in the process.
Symptoms Of Clogged Ears
If you are really new to the concept of clogged ears, here we have listed some of the symptoms relating to clogged ears. These are as followed:
- Trouble in hearing from one side.
- A sense of discomfort.
- Constant itching in the ears.
- Pain in the ears
- The constant sound of ringing in the ears and headache caused because of that.
Top 5 Home Remedies For Clogged Ears
Here, in this article, we will study about some of the home remedies to cure the clogged ears. You can scroll through the remedies and give them a shot. In case, nothing is working and the clogging does not stop, it is recommended to go visit a doctor.
- Hydrogen Peroxide Usage: The thing with hydrogen peroxide is that it is a chemical that effectively works on the degradation of wax buildup. This remedy is recommended to be tried only once and is very effective and speedy. The only thing you need to do is take a cup of hot water and mix some hydrogen peroxide to it. Lie down on a bed comfortably, and pour the solution in the clogged ear. Let it go through the middle parting of the ear. Once It is done, turn to your other side and drain the solution. Thus, in some time your ear congestion will be gone.
- Warm Olive Oil: Olive oil is considered as the miracle solution. It so happens, that due to the buildup of wax in the ear, the wax that is soft to remove turns into the hard wax. Warm olive oil softens the ear wax. You are required to heat some olive oil and pour two to three drops in your ear using a dropper. Let it sink in your ear for five to ten minutes. Once the wax is soft enough, you can use an earbud, to remove the residue from the ear.
- Tea Tree Oil: Essential oils are in rage these days and are a cure for a lot of ailments. Tea Tree oil is loaded with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in the situation of clogged ears.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed With Alcohol: Apple cider vinegar is known for its anti-bacterial properties and helps in the elimination of all other infections. The rubbing alcohol available in the market can be mixed with ACV so that a solution is prepared. Pour this solution in your ear, until it sinks into the ear. Let it be there till some time and then clean it up after some time using an earbud. ACV is helpful in removing the mucus as well. The problem here is that ACV is not easily available in the market. The solution to this problem replacing ACV with white vinegar.
- Steam: Steam is one simple remedy that is recommended by all our family members, whenever
we have a congestion, cough or cold. It is a simple remedy that can be easily done at home. Just heat some water in a bowl and make a blend of water and essential oil that you really love. You can also use carvol medicine in place of an essential oil. Take a huge towel and cover up your head. Breathe in the steam. It will soften the hard ear wax and will help in the healing of cold and cough. You can then use an earbud to clear of the residue in the ear.
In a nutshell, these simple home remedies are there to save you from the discomfort caused because of blocked ears. Since now you are well-versed with some amazing home remedies to clear off the blockage of your ear, go ahead and cure the condition.