Assuming everything goes as planned, the average cost for a traditional hospital vaginal birth is upwards of $30,000. In cases where a cesarean section is required, costs can increase to a staggering $50,000. These numbers don’t even reflect the numerous dollars spent on prenatal doctor visits, … [Read more...]
How to Sleep During Pregnancy
This post is submitted by Squaberry. Growing from two to a trio? Get ready to welcome the most amazing and life-changing experience of your life. Pregnancy is probably the only time in a woman’s life when she goes through an emotional roller coaster over a short span of 9 months. While you … [Read more...]
15 Things You Should Know When You Are Pregnant
This post is brought to you by Pregnancy is an exciting time especially for a first time mom. Navigating your way through this time is not always easy and can be challenging at the best of times. What should you expect? Increase in breast size Early … [Read more...]
8 Pre-Baby Celebration Ideas Future Mom and Dad Will Love
This is a sponsored post. Not all women want a baby shower. More importantly, baby showers often leave out the future dads. Don’t fall into the trap of throwing a conventional ladies-only Baby Shower if that just isn’t you. Here are 8 pre-baby celebration ideas both expecting parents will … [Read more...]
I Just Got My Bloomlife At Home Pregnancy Contraction Monitor
I received a Bloomlife rental free for my review. All opinions are my own. I am nearing the end of my pregnancy and I am getting very excited for baby's arrival. Now that I am 36 weeks along, I have started getting more braxton hicks contractions and I have also been wondering whether or … [Read more...]
Must Haves for Expecting Moms ~ from Belly Bandit
I received these products for my review. All opinions are my own. As you probably already know, I am expecting baby #3 in early December. I can hardly wait to hold my little sweet baby! But, pregnancy can be hard so I am always on the lookout for products that can help me have a more … [Read more...]
Stay Active with Maternity Workout Clothing from Mumberry
I received this product for my review. All opinions are my own. Being pregnant is such a fun time. But sometimes it is not so fun trying to find good maternity clothing. If you are trying to stay active during pregnancy (which is so healthy for you) then you are going to want good Maternity … [Read more...]
5 Nutrients You Need During Pregnancy #BeActiv #ViactivBabyBump
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation on behalf of Viactiv that contains affiliate links. I received Viactiv products for my own personal use. This post is not intended to address or diagnose any medical conditions. All opinions, text and experiences are my own. These statements have … [Read more...]
Spring Baby Shower Faves Giveaway! 50+ prizes, 5 gift collections, 5 winners!
We are excited to help announce the second annual Mommy Scene 2016 Spring Baby Shower Faves featuring a wide variety of baby shower gift ideas; mom-favorites, best sellers, and basic must-haves for families! Whether you are a seasoned mom or a brand new mom, these products can help make life easier, … [Read more...]
Pregnancy Tips
This is a sponsored post written by Discontrue. Pregnancy can be incredibly overwhelming, especially for mothers who have not already carried a child to term. Most women are aware of the fact that it's best if all the preparations are carried out beforehand, so when the kid is there it has … [Read more...]