I received this monitor from Summer Infant for my review. All opinions are my own. Even though my daughter is 3 years old now, I still like to have a monitor in her room. She sleeps through the night most of the time, but has been waking up a little more often to go to the bathroom since … [Read more...]
Have #TheSmartTalk with Your Kids About Online Safety & Technology
This is a day and age of smart devices. Whether it's phones, tablets or computers. Your kids are going to be on them if they aren't already. In fact "75% of children 8 and under have access to some sort of smart mobile device at home." With all the good that can come from your children being … [Read more...]
You Never Stop Being a Mother
"I was invited by Sony to attend an expenses paid trip to the Ricki and The Flash Screening and Press Junket in New York City. All opinions are my own." You never stop being a mother. In Ricki and the Flash, Ricki found this out- she had tried to find her role as a mother after she had left … [Read more...]
Playground Safety Guide for Parents
This educational infographic is brought to you by Rubbermulch.com & PishPoshBaby.com. … [Read more...]
Finding the Comedy in Motherhood #MomsRule
“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Moms Rule. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a mother. I guess you could say it was just in me to be a mom. Once I got married to my husband … [Read more...]
How Toddlers Thrive Book Review
I was asked to review this book, and am so happy I was! All opinions expressed are my own. As you know I have six beautiful kids, two of them fall into the toddler age range. Those two cuties are also my biggest challenges day after day. Talon "The terrific two Tornado" his shenanigans and … [Read more...]
Kinsights a great online Medical Tool for Families + Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
I was provided an Amazon Gift Card for this review, all opinions are my own. Being a Mom of 2 active girls I know how stressful it can be to add one more thing to my plate. I also have another baby on the way which means 3 kids to think, worry and run around with. The last thing that I want to … [Read more...]
Help get yourself and Kids Organized with our Guest Blogger from the Joyful Organizer!
“Getting your kids organized is one of the greatest challenges for most families. However, teaching them early on how to get and stay organized builds the foundation and skills they will need to be successful in life. The more responsibility they take on themselves, the easier your … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
So these are the final days before that special day us Mom's look forward to all year! Mother's Day! For me, this is a day that I get to show my own mother how much I can now appreciate all that she did for me when I was growing up. Mother's Day has a new meaning for me since I became a mother … [Read more...]
Traveling With The Littles
There's traveling... peaceful, calm, happy... a chance to get away from it all. Leave the daily stressors of life and just. relax. Then... there's traveling with kids. Stressful. Extra difficult. But completely unavoidable. Once my friend and I flew with both of my boys when … [Read more...]