Having trouble conceiving is such a hard thing to deal with. Take it from me, I have spent 5 and a half years (total) trying to conceive. 2 and a half to get my son and 3 years to get the pregnancy I have now. It is a struggle, emotionally, physically…Even if you don’t struggle for a … [Read more...]
Organic and On the Go Snack for Kids ~ CLIF Kid Bars Review
We take great care in creating CLIF Kid snacks to give kids fantastic tasting food with the right kind of nutrition they need for their growing, active bodies. Clif Bar & Company is a leading maker of nutritious and organic food and drinks that help people do better in sport and … [Read more...]
Think Geek Withings Blood Pressure Monitor Review
Easy and accurate self-measurement “Monitoring your blood pressure is an important part of overall health, but if you're one of the 20% of people with white coat hypertension, the reading you're getting at the doctor's office isn't accurate. Think about it. They may not come two by two with … [Read more...]
Take the Nutrition Possible Assesment + $25 AMEX Gift Card Giveaway [CLOSED]
When it comes to taking care of my body I know I need supplements to get all the nutrients my body requires. But it is confusing and hard to know what I need for my body specifically. And don’t even get me started about the supplement isle at the store. There are so many options how would I even … [Read more...]
Moist & Delicious Handmade Treats ~ Bobo’s Oat Bars Review
“Made with Natural and Organic ingredients, Bobo’s Oat Bars have a moist and delicious home-made taste that is unlike any other snack bar on the market. Our premium bars are now available in ten amazing regular flavors and four exciting new Gluten Free flavors. Unlike other Gluten Free products on … [Read more...]
Get Your Kids to Eat Vegetables ~ Copy-Kids DVD Review and Giveaway [CLOSED]
As any parent knows getting your kids to eat vegetables can be a very hard thing. Even if they start out loving veggies, (like my little Bug as a baby would only eat veggie baby food and loved it) most likely once they are older they will start refusing them (like my Bug does now). Bug started … [Read more...]
The Natural Solution for Teething Pain ~ Hazelaid Review and $25 GC Giveaway [CLOSED]
I came across Hazelaid when E was a baby. He had some issues with reflux, and I was looking for some natural solutions to help ease his discomfort. I found that Hazelwood might be a good alternative to the medicine he was prescribed. I didn’t end up buying a necklace but Hazelaid recently sent me … [Read more...]
Cooking Healthy Meals with Your Kids + #BensBeginners Cooking Contest
Love to cook with your kids? Here is your chance to win $20,000 along with a $50,000 grant to use towards a makeover in your child’s school cafeteria! The Uncle Ben’s Beginners Cooking Contest is asking you as parents to make a 2-3 minute video of you cooking a rice dish with your child aged … [Read more...]
Whole Grain First Ingredient with General Mills Cereal with White Check + Cereal Prize Pack Giveaway [CLOSED]
“Ringing in the New Year often means new eating habits. We know whole grain is important to you, and the Dietary Guidelines recommend choosing products with a whole grain listed as the first ingredient. Now every cereal with the white check has more whole grain than any other single ingredient … [Read more...]
Lose Weight and Feel Great ~ Isagenix Cleanse System Review
Amber is our Independent Consultant for Isagenix and she is so wonderful to work with! She will get you your orders fast and help you with any questions you have. Here is her personal success story (it’s amazing, and she looks awesome by the way!): “My personal Isagenix Success Story is just one … [Read more...]