I remember growing up and my Mom always using Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo, lotion etc. I have always loved the smell, feel and No Tears Shampoo and other products. Johnson & Johnson sent me several of their new formula of Baby Products to review. Johnson & Johnson is … [Read more...]
GlowGenics Organic Baby Wash & Shampoo Review and Giveaway
I never pass up a chance to try out products that are a healthier option for me and my family. That is why I was excited to review GlowGenics Orgainc Baby Wash & Shampoo. I received 3 bottles of the GlowGenics Baby's Glow product and couldn't wait to try them out on my 2 youngest kids. "Each … [Read more...]
Fun in the Tub ~ Lalaloopsy Bubbly Mermaid Doll Review
I received this item for review from Little Tikes. All opinions are my own. My daughter squealed with delight as she opened up the Lalaloopsy Bubbly Mermaid on her birthday! She saw the commercials for this mermaid on TV and really wanted one. “This Lalaloopsy Bubbly Magical Mermaid … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
So these are the final days before that special day us Mom's look forward to all year! Mother's Day! For me, this is a day that I get to show my own mother how much I can now appreciate all that she did for me when I was growing up. Mother's Day has a new meaning for me since I became a mother … [Read more...]
DirtyBird Cosmetics Natural Soaps & Sugar Scrubs Review + Discount Code
Honestly....I just can't get enough of natural beauty/hygiene products. I think it is so great that there are alternatives for people who prefer to steer clear of chemicals and ingredients that aren't exactly great for them. People like me!! Skincare products are one of my favorite things to review, … [Read more...]
Fun in the Tub! Live Clean Baby Products Review
I always love trying new products that are healthier for my family. I am leary of chemical-filled products that claim they are healthy for me and my children, and I have certainly been trying to make better choices when it comes to skincare for my family. I was really excited to review a few … [Read more...]
Splish Splash Doll Fun in the Bath ~ Nenuco Bath Time Doll Set Review
I received this doll set from Nenuco for my review. All opinions are my own. My daughter is obsessed with baby dolls! Obsessed! I joke with my husband that she has started a little orphanage in her room since she has so many. When I saw the Bath Time Doll Set from Nenuco I knew she would … [Read more...]
SPLASHIMALS and SPLASH PALS Waterproof Playing Cards Review
My girls most favorite thing to do at night is to take a bath. The girls usually bring toys in to play but grow tired of those easily. I was really excited to get the Splashimals and Splash Pals Waterproof Playing Cards from Winning Moves Games to review. Charlotte and Leah were both super excited … [Read more...]
Can I get a Minute to Myself to Shave? LOL!
This post is part of a sponsored campaign for Dove through Global Influence. All opinions are my own. As a mom I am lucky when I can get a second to myself. (To all the Moms out there, can I get an Amen?!) Not even for my shower or bathroom breaks. Yep I always have … [Read more...]
Mega Bloks® First Builders™ Build ‘n Splash Bath Toy Review and Giveaway
Bath time is a favorite for my 2 youngest kids. They love when I fill up the jacuzzi tub and throw in a bunch of toys for them to play with. I love it too because it gives me a good 30 minutes to get myself ready for the day. We have a shortage of bath toys that are fun and exciting, so my kids were … [Read more...]