Choosing whether to move into a care home or have some more years at home can be a difficult choice to make for the person in question and for their relatives. Here is our advice on care homes versus supported living. How you can decide which is the right option for your family member.

Does Your Family Member need Full-Time Care?
Consider carefully what sort of care your family member needs. Think about it from their perspective and from the doctor’s advice. Are they really coping? Do they take their medication and eat right? Be honest with yourself and try and have an honest conversation with them too.
Even if they do need round the clock help, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to go into a care home. There are live-in carers who will move in and look after your family member full time.
Does their House have the Facilities?
When a person needs support at home, they often need to adapt their surroundings and add facilities like a stairlift, a walk-in shower, a ramp, or any other additions to make life comfortable and ensure their live-in carer can do their job.
Care homes have all these facilities and more, and so are very well equipped to look after patients holistically. The beds, furniture, and the entire facility is designed with care in mind.
Will they Be Happy?
People often like moving from their homes when they get older. They like to have their possessions around them and be in a place they know and feel safe. Moving can be a lot for people.
It is sometimes possible for people to go for daycare in care homes. Perhaps this could be an option if their house was nearby.
If you live close to the care home, will you be more likely to visit them? If yes, then it could still be a great option. They might be happier seeing their relatives more often and having someone to talk to than being alone at home.
Check out the Homes in your Area:
There is a stigma about care homes that isn’t always correct. Go and inspect the care homes in your area, talk to the residents and get to know the staff. Explore their facilities, a lot of care homes. Like the Waltham Abbey Care Homes, that have lots for residents to do and get involved in.
Residents have access to sensory bathrooms and courtyard gardens that they can explore. Their surroundings are modern, and they are treated as individuals. The care home staff celebrate milestones, events, and celebrations with them and tailor the experiences to their likes and dislikes. DIY projects and opportunities to learn new skills occur often. The home plans days out and trips for residents to enjoy such as a day out at the garden center, a museum, and the pub.
Relatives are encouraged to get involved, too, as are people living in the local community, who are invited to the care home for coffee mornings and lunches.
There are pros and cons to either choice. It is about figuring out which is a safe and happy option for your relative.