Going through a divorce is a very challenging experience for anyone. One of the hardest parts of a divorce involves how to figure out childcare and support. Generally, a parent that takes on the majority of the childcare responsibilities will also be a recipient of child support. Normally, by the end of a divorce, there will either be a settlement or court ruling around how much child support needs to be paid. While this could intend to be set for a long time, there are situations in which child support payments will change as the children age. There are several reasons why child support payments may change in the future.

Inflationary Expense Increases
One of the reasons that you may need to receive additional child support is if you are incurring inflationary expense increases. Similar to other costs, the expenses that go with feeding, housing, educating, and caring for a child will increase on an annual basis. Even small annual increases will continue to add up as the years go by. If inflationary annual child support increases were not already built into your plan, requesting an increase can make sense to ensure that you are able to continue to provide adequate care for your child.
Child Incurs Additional Costs
As a child continues to age, they may also require additional care that can be expensive. It could be determined that your child has additional educational support needs, healthcare expenses, or even personal interests that can be more expensive. If it is deemed that these increased costs are necessary to ensure that your child is able to live a safe and healthy life, the court could determine that the child support payments will need to be increased to account for the additional costs.
Changes in Income from Either Parent
Another factor that could result in a modification to child support payments is if there are changes in income from either parent. When child support payments are set or negotiated, it will typically incorporate an assessment of the income of both parents. As the years go by, one parent could end up earning far more or less or even incur a job loss. When this happens, it could be a situation in which the child support payments need to change. The court system may decide to modify one parent’s financial responsibility if they have had a dramatic change in income.
Modification of Child Care Responsibilities
When child support is being determined, it will typically ensure that the parent that is spending more time caring for the child will receive the financial support that they need to offer adequate care. In some cases, the amount of time that one parent spends with the child can change. If one parent takes on more or less of the childcare responsibilities in the future, it would make sense to alter the child support payment responsibilities as well. If one of the parents moves and has to incur additional travel costs to see the child, the additional expenses can be factored in as well.
How to Modify Child Support Payments?
If a parent has determined that they need additional child support payments to care for the child, it is important to go through the proper channels. If the other parent agrees to an increase, it is important to have it properly documented in the court system. If the other parent does not agree, you will need to fill out paperwork and file it with your local court. Along with this, you will need to provide evidence that documents the change in circumstance. Once this is done, a notification of your request will be sent to the other parent and a hearing will be scheduled. The judge and court system will then make a determination that will result in a new required payment going forward.
Ensuring that your child has access to the resources they need to thrive is very important. This part of the process can include altering the child support payments paid by one part. If you believe a change in child support is needed, speaking with an attorney is always a good idea. TheĀ Child support attorneys at CLLB Legal can provide you with the support you need to receive an appropriate amount of child support. These legal services can include a consultation on your case, negotiating with the other parties, filing the appropriate modification request paperwork, and any other support that is needed to ensure.